London Overground

a London overground train

London Overground staff: Have Your Say on Pay

Concerning the next pay deal … As you are aware, negotiations are due to start in the new year. RMT would like to hear your views and ideas on the pay deal, so please let your local rep know your feelings about what the final outcome should be.

For example, do you want a one-year deal, or two? On stations, would you be willing to work until later times for a bigger pay rise?

We think your views count.


dashboard graphicA proposal from management is to micro-manage station staff and other grades by introducing the customer service ‘dashboard’. Staff are already audited on a daily basis on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Your union reps were consulted on Dashboard but were uneasy on how far it will go and how much management expect from frontline staff.

One rep writes …

London Overground Revenue Protection Inspectors

A very important department for London Overground. Why? The most mobile unit, we do so much and ask so little in return!

RPIs help save revenue for LOROL, in terms of millions of pounds in fines, work our guts out to make sure ticketless travel is lower than the expected 5%. And guess what? It only took 19 of us to do it!

We are strong by heart and professional by work, willing to go the extra mile, give the best customer service, and treat offenders the right way. We are what we do. The figures tell the truth.

NEW! Newsletter for London Overground Members

newsletterClick '1 attachment' / file name to download the all-new RMT newsletter for staff working on London Overground, written by London Overground reps and produced by the London Transport Regional Council.

This first issue explains the new pension arrangement on the company, asks for members' views about the upcoming pay claim, and reports on other issues, including Dashboard and Revenue Protection.

London Overground: New Pension Arrangement Explained

overground logoLondon Overground is changing the way employees pay contributions into its pension system (the RPS) by introducing an arrangement known as ‘salary sacrifice’. Under the old system, you were paid your salary with your pension contribution deducted from it. Under this new system, your salary is reduced by the amount of the pension contribution and the employer pays your contribution direct to the fund. What’s the difference?

London Overground workers organise with London Transport workmates

RMT members on London Overground have become part of the union's London Transport region, enabling workers across Transport for London's various companies to unite to improve our working lives.

Reps have already met with the Regional Council Secretary and Regional Organiser, and are planning activities including a newsletter, webpage and recruitment day. London Overground workers are concerned about many issues, including pensions, pay and facilities at stations.

Resolution: Affiliation of Branches with London Overground Members

The following resolution, submitted by the Regional Council Executive, was passed unanimously by the August meeting of the Regional Council.

This union believes that:

1. London Overground is now under the auspices of Transport for London.

2. We need to campaign effectively for improved pay and conditions across TfL and its subsidiaries / franchisees, and for the reintegration of London's transport into a single publicly-owned body.

3. We will be most effective in doing this if London Overground RMT members are working closely with members in the rest of London Transport

Resolution: Reverse Privatisation

This resolution, submitted by LU Fleet and Piccadilly & District West branches, was passed unanimously at the July meeting of the Regional Council.

The RMT has always taken a firm stand against privatisation and contracting out of work. We should step up our campaign for all infrastructure work, cleaning, catering and other work associated with London Underground to be integrated into LUL and the staff currently employed taken in house on LU pay and conditions.

General Secretary's Report - London Overground

This is the section of the General Secretary's report to the 2009 AGM concerning London Overground ...

Members Workplace Conditions, Welfare & Pay - London Overground Rail Operations Ltd

As a result of LOROL's persistent refusal to negotiate restructuring proposals with the Lead Officer and Company Council Representatives, their failure to improve facilities and progress on welfare issues and a complete breakdown in industrial relations, we balloted all LOROL members for industrial action.