Protect the right to strike - Sign the Petition

Last night thousands of trade unionists and workers descended on Parliament to protest the Conservative Government's draconian new anti-strike Bill and send a clear message to the Government that we will relentlessly fight this fundamental attack on our democratic and human rights to withdraw our labour.

I would like to thank each and every one of you that turned out for the Emergency Demo and for the continued support of those that couldn't make it.

The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill was disgracefully voted through by Tory MPs at the second reading stage last night in the Houses of Parliament and now moves to what's called Committee stage and Third reading before being sent to the House of Lords.

This legislation will give the Secretary of State for Business the power to set Minimum Service Levels of staffing following “consultation” across six different sectors including Transport, Health, Fire and Rescue, Education, Nuclear and Border Security effectively conscripting workers to work against their will.

We will simply not accept this attack on our fundamental and democratic rights to strike and the fight goes on.

If you have not done so already, please sign this petition opposing the anti-strike Bill and we will be in touch soon with more ways to take action and fight the anti-strike Bill. Please also share with your friends and family as far and wide as possible.

This petition will be used to mobilise and build support for lobbying MPs so it's vital we build as much support as possible.


Yours sincerely,

Michael Lynch
General Secretary

> RMT National News

Thursday, 11th July
RAIL union RMT is balloting both Scotrail and Caledonian Sleeper members for strike action.
Wednesday, 10th July
Bus union, RMT have voted overwhelmingly for strike action over pay on First South West.
Monday, 8th July
Transport union RMT, has secured improved fair Olympic payments for Eurostar staff after intense negotiations and a ballot for industrial action.
Friday, 5th July
RMT will mark the 36th anniversary of the Piper Alpha disaster tomorrow, which killed 165 offshore workers and two seafarers.
Friday, 28th June
Maritime union, RMT has criticised the Tory government for its failure to introduce mandatory protections for seafarers, in stark contrast to decisive action taken by the French government.