RMT branches to discuss affiliation to Labour Party

RMT AGM agrees to consultation with Branches and Regions on question of Labour Party affiliation.

General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"In light of the changes to the Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership RMT's AGM has decided that the time is right to undertake a consultation with our members on the issue of Labour Party affiliation ‎with a report back to a Special General Meeting.

"I should emphasise that no decision has been made, and no decision will be made, until that consultation has been completed and a Special General Meeting has been held in line with RMT's rule book and the unions policies and principles as a member-led organisation. "

> RMT National News

Wednesday, 8th May
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Tuesday, 7th May
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Friday, 3rd May
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Wednesday, 1st May
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