Speculation grows that Crossrail could be mothballed

As speculation grows that Crossrail could be mothballed RMT demands Government stop using TFL and its workers as a political foo
Responding to reports that the Capital's Crossrail line could be mothballed without immediate funding transport union RMT today called on the Government to stop using TFL as a political football. 

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

"What's happening between the Government and TFL is nothing short of a disgrace. As we approach next year's London Mayoral Election it's clear the Government are using TFL and our members as a political football and rather than stick to their pledge of "Building Back Better" they're starving TFL of vital funds and playing games with worker's livelihoods. 

"London transport and its workforce are vital to the economic recovery from Covid-19 and RMT will not be afraid to do whatever is necessary to protect our member's jobs and livelihoods"

> RMT National News

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