Tube union RMT to ballot Sodexo canteen workers

LONDON UNDERGROUND UNION RMT is to ballot canteen workers in LU depots for industrial action after private contractor Sodexo announced it intends to plough ahead with a plan to slash 30 jobs, nearly a third of the workforce.

The move will put an end to over 100 years of on site home-style cooked canteen food for transport workers which will be replaced with reheated frozen microwave meals.

The proposals are part of a restructuring plan by Sodexo and will see workers who have notched up to 20 years’ service being placed on the scrapheap.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

“We are balloting our canteen members in LU depots for industrial action to try and bring sense to Sodexo and prevent them slashing some 30 canteen jobs. RMT has been left with no choice but to declare a dispute after attempts at a resolution by the union has been met with intransigence by the company.

“Sodexo is a highly profitable company that is shamefully using the excuse of lower demand during Covid as a smokescreen to push through unpopular measures that will both slash jobs and mean a worse service for canteen users.

“At many depots, canteens are the only accessible option to purchase food. We are calling on Sodexo to scrap the planned restructure, retain jobs, and maintain fresh and cooked-on-site options.

“RMT is calling on the government and Mayor of London to intervene to save these jobs on this essential service in our capital city.”

> RMT National News

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