Health & safety issues - Make sure you report it

Reporting Incidents
This is an issue that constantly raises its head at the Trains H&S council. We get reports from management that everything is rosy in their paperwork and graph filled little worlds. Funnily enough at the THSC we have entirely different view. We actually talk to our local reps and members and don’t have the target led approach to H&S so naturally don’t see it their way.

We have an issue of endemic under reporting on LU. From the small to the large problems we face and we need to start reporting and recording of these issues in order to have an effective reporting process.

New Shoes
We have been made aware of various slips trips and falls occurring across the combine relating to uniform issue new shoes. We have raised this issue at a recent T2 meeting and were told it needs to go to the uniform committee meeting. We believe it is possible to be resolved there but we need evidence passed on to us in order for it to be included in any future safety related talks. If you have an accident get it recorded on an EIRF and make sure it states what footwear was worn.  AND…


Spare Rails
The storage of spare rails is an ongoing issue where in the event of an emergency detrainment could dangerously impact a driver and their passenger’s safety. This could range from not being able to lay a SCD to walking passengers safely off of the track. Cases of storage on the track which goes against LU’s standards must be reported to management and your H&S reps. At a recent safety forum meeting we were told that it is not a systemic problem. We believe if it was reported correctly we would force management to address the issue when notified. If you notice the track being used as a dumping ground or storage facility for track workers report it. AND…


Workplace Violence
If, like us you have concerns with the introduction of night tube or maybe have simply read yet another report that crime has recently rocketed, or will rocket with the introduction of NT and are indeed worried about it. Please report any workplace violence issue you may encounter to management and insist on an EIRF to be completed. The THSC attended a recent workplace violence group meeting and were told that the numbers/trends were coming down!!! We believe this to stem from the inadequate reporting/recording process that LUL use. Remember if you have any issue with threatening behaviour, physical or verbal. Report it and insist on an EIRF to be produced. AND…


Remember if you don’t report it, It didn’t happen….

Trains Health & Safety Council