Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

RMT Members Concerned About Olympic Security

We note the resolution from Stratford no.1 branch and share our branch’s concern as to the shambolic security and safety arrangements for the Olympics.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

  • immediately contact transport authorities and employers in London asking for these concerns to be addressed as a matter of urgency
  • circulate to all members in the affected area advice on their legal right to refuse to work on the grounds of health and safety concerns

Olympic Security

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

Following the recent news that G4S has grossly underemployed the number of security guards required for Olympic events, I have written to employers with members working in the London area. I have asked them to inform me of their mitigations for ensuring the safety and security of RMT members during the Olympic Games.

I am writing to you to remind you that you have the right to withdraw yourself from imminent and serious danger should you have genuine concern for your safety.

LUL Plans to Destaff Trains and Stations - This Affects Us All !!!

From RMT London Transport Regional organiser

Here is a signed off copy of London Underground's plans for driverless trains, and unstaffed stations it includes the signatures of several senior engineers and indeed that of Howard Collins himself.

The General secretary has asked me to share the document with you our reps and branches so that you can inform our members accordingly.

Here are a few key points for your attention

After G4S Security Shambles RMT Warns Of Olympics Transport Staffing Crisis

TRANSPORT UNION RMT warned today of a repeat of the G4S Olympics security scandal on the tube if London Underground continue with their plans to staff services with inadequately trained volunteers.

RMT is in formal dispute as Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSA’s) are still being used to make up minimum numbers at stations, which is in breach of agreement made in 2008. Additionally. the union has advised management of serious concerns over their plans to introduce mobile station supervision as well as the continuing use of agency and security staff on the ex-Silverlink stations.

Was Dangerous Waste Illegally Dumped Near Beckton DLR? RMT Demands Answers

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today demanded a full investigation by the safety authorities and assurances on staff and passenger safety as the union received reports over the weekend that police has arrested a gang on Friday thought to be responsible for the dumping of thousands of tons of asbestos and other hazardous waste adjacent to Beckton DLR station where the main DLR depot is also sited.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

London Underground's Breaches Of Casualisation Statement

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

“In response to LUL’s statement given on Thursday 5 July at 16:00 at ACAS, RMT is not arguing about the use of ICSAs working on stations alongside established staff. We are, however, totally opposed to ICSAs being counted towards minimum numbers for keeping a station open or for evacuation purposes.

On 2 April 2008, Gerry Duffy, LUL’s Director of Employee Relations, signed an agreement with RMT and TSSA which clearly states that the minimum staffing level for each station is:

RMT LUL 'Olympic Safe Staffing Levels Dispute' Statement

In response to LUL’s statement given on Thursday 5 July at 16:00 at ACAS, RMT is not arguing about the use of ICSAs working on stations alongside established staff. We are, however, totally opposed to ICSAs being counted towards minimum numbers for keeping a station open or for evacuation purposes.

On 2 April 2008, Gerry Duffy, LUL’s Director of Employee Relations, signed an agreement with RMT and TSSA which clearly states that the minimum staffing level for each station is:

RMT Platform June 2012

In June's edition:

  • RMT Stands Up For Agency Staff on LU Stations
  • Your Station and Revenue Grades Committee
  • ICSAs: Vote ‘Yes’ for Safety and Job Security!
  • Stick Within the Framework!
  • Wheelchair Ramps
  • Assisting Passengers With Luggage

RMT To Ballot All London Underground Staff For Action Short Of A Strike Over Use Of Unqualified Staff In Safety Critical Roles

TUBE UNION RMT announced today that it is to ballot all London Underground members for action short of a strike over the issue of the company using ill-trained and unqualified Incident Customer Service Assistants (ICSA’s) to make up minimum numbers at stations.

RMT has warned that not only is the policy dangerous but it is also in breach of the 2008 agreement that ended the casualisation dispute. The issue will be particularly relevant over the Olympics period when unprecedented numbers of people will be using the tube

RMT Warns Of “Potentially Lethal” Olympics Rail Proposals

RAIL UNION RMT today registered its total opposition to last minute Olympics rail proposals which the union says are designed to cut corners on existing safety procedures in the event of a broken down train with potentially lethal consequences.

At today’s Traffic Operations Management Standards Committee (TOM SC) proposals were bounced on union reps for temporary working arrangements for failed trains for the duration of the Olympics.