London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT Demands Meeting to Discuss Olympics Arrangement for ALL London Underground Grades

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence, minutes and documents received regarding our London Underground fleet maintenance members.

We also note that the General Secretary has requested a meeting with London Underground at Company Council level to discuss arrangements for the Olympics for all grades, and that London Underground has not yet responded to this request.

LU Pay Referendum To Be Rerun

From General Secretary Bob Crow

I write to advise members that we have decided to re-run the current referendum of members on this year’s pay award. This decision has been taken because a letter from management advising us of a slight amendment to the Years 2 to 4 offer was not reflected in the paperwork sent to members with the voting papers. The change is significant enough to warrant the referendum being re-run as members are not voting with the full proposal at their disposal.

LU Pay Ballot Closing Date - Updated

Voting papers are being despatched today to your home addresses for the referendum on the company’s pay proposals. This offer has been considered by the General Grades Committee and following a consultation meeting with your representatives, we have decided to hold a referendum with a recommendation to accept the offer.

Use your vote in this referendum which closes on 31st October 2011.

Balloting period for LUL pay and conditions 2011

13 th October 2011


Dear Colleagues,


I write to advise LUL members that voting papers are being despatched today to your home addresses for the referendum on the company’s pay proposals. This offer has been considered by the General Grades Committee and following a consultation meeting with your representatives, we have decided to hold a referendum with a recommendation to accept the offer.

I urge all members to use your vote in this referendum which closes on Thursday 27 th October 2011.

Level/Tier 2 Competence Assessments - London Underground - update

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from London Underground. We instruct the General Secretary to forward this letter to all our level 2 and tier 2 reps on London Underground, reminding them to ensure that their training is scheduled to avoid clashing with scheduled meetings of their Council. We also expect that if and when ad hoc meetings of their Councils are called which clash with pre-arranged training, management will agree to any request to rearrange the training to facilitate attendance at the Council meeting.

RMT Launches Campaign And Prepares To Ballot In Fight For Justice For Unfairly Dismissed Tube Driver

TUBE UNION RMT today launched a campaign for the reinstatement of tube driver James Masango who, despite winning by 100% an Employment Tribunal claim for unfair dismissal, has still not been re-engaged by London Underground.

James Masango’s case exposed an appalling litany of mismanagement which resulted in his Tribunal taking the rare step of finding 100% in his favour with not a single shred of evidence that there was any contributory fault on his part. Reinstatement in light of such an overwhelming verdict on his innocence should be automatic.

London Underground Rates Of Pay And Conditions Of Service 2011

FOLLOWING CONSULTATION with local reps, tube union RMT confirmed today that it will be putting the latest tube pay offer to a referendum ballot of members with a recommendation to accept.

The offer is 5% this year backdated to April with RPI plus 0.5% for the following three years with a guarantee of no less than 2% if inflation were to drop significantly.

RMT Recommends London Underground Pay Offer

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the well-attended meeting of our representatives on London Underground on Tuesday 4 October, at which a clear majority indicated that they wish the union to put LU’s offer to a referendum of members recommending acceptance.

Accordingly, we instruct the General Secretary to put in place a referendum ballot of all our members covered by this offer, with a recommendation to accept.

RMT Have Not Agreed To London Underground Pay Deal

The RMT has not agreed to the recent pay offer from London Underground management. There have been widely repeated stories on the media claiming that all unions - RMT, TSSA, ASLEF and Unite have agreed the latest offer, however this is incorrect.

General Secretary Bob Crow said:

"Despite quotes reported to be attributed to LU in the press, and statements on the TFL/LU website, RMT wishes to make it clear that there has been no agreement on the issue of tube pay and that there has been no recommendation from RMT to accept the latest offer."

Final Management Proposal for New Surplus and Loss Procedure in Station Ticket Offices-Comments Needed

As has been previously reported LU management have been consulting with RMT and TSSA on a proposed new Surplus and Loss Procedure

They have now given us a "Final Version" which they intend to implement shortly.As we have reported at each stage of this process RMT have put forward our proposals,some of which have been included in the New Procedure but most have been ignored.

We have been asked to give management our final comments/proposals on this procedure by the 11/10/2011.