London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

LUL Circular: Strike Actions Over EDF Pay Dispute and C Johnston Dismissal - Ballots for Dismissals of F Chambers, J Miah and M Odisi

circular logo

In this Circular:

  1. Rates Of Pay and Conditions Of Service - EDF Energy Powerlink
  2. Disciplinary - Colleen Johnston, Station Supervisor, Willesden Green Group, LUL
  3. Dismissal From Service Of Fitz Chambers and Joel Miah - Train Operators, Bakerloo Line, LUL
  4. Dismissal Of Mercy Odisi, Green Park Group, LUL

PPP Meltdown On The Underground As Tube Lines Contract Descends Into Chaos

photo by Paul Mattsson

TUBE UNION RMT today called for PPP contractor Tube Lines to be stripped of their contract with immediate effect and without compensation, and their work brought back under direct public control, as it emerged that their operations on the Piccadilly, Northern and Jubilee Lines have collapsed into chaos and recrimination.

RMT have no doubt that the poisoned relationship between TfL and Tube Lines has now broken down irretrievably with a sequence of events in the run up to Thursdays decision by the arbiter on the value of the next phase of their contract fuelling the case for the company to be dumped.

LUL Rates Of Pay And Conditions Of Service 2009

circular logo Circular No. IR. 380/09 dated 10th December 2009 from General Secretary Bob Crow

As you will be aware, the above ballot is well underway and is due to close on 21st December 2009. There had been some movement by the company since the decision to ballot was taken. This movement was confined to the medical redeployment arrangements only and not on the pay aspect itself.

The General Grades Committee’s decision on this is as follows:

“That we note the latest offer from LUL. While we welcome improvement to the medical termination in addition to existing arrangements, the package falls short of the aspirations of our members and is therefore not acceptable."

144 Ticket Offices and 1200 Jobs Under Threat as Boris Johnson Rips Up Manifesto Pledge On Tube Cuts

TUBE AND TfL union RMT today released new information which exposes the full extent of the first wave of cuts under Boris Johnson’s £5 billion tube savings programme with 144 station ticket offices and 1200 jobs under threat of the axe.

Ballot Results for EDF, Alstom, Hammersmith & City Depot and Willesden Green Group

circular logoBallots have concluded for the Willesden Green Group, Alstom staff at Stratford Depot, EDF employees and the drivers at Hammersmith & City Depot.

Alstom, EDF and Willesden Green Group members all voted a resounding YES for both strike action and action short of a strike. The Hammersmith & City Depot dispute was resolved and therefore the ballot cancelled.

See the full article for the circular from Bob Crow, General Secretary

London Underground Pay Dispute ACAS Talks Update

Following hours and hours of talks at ACAS a new offer has been received from the company. This has been placed before the General Grades Committee and has been referred to the union’s Southern sub-Committee for consideration.

In the meantime the ballot goes ahead. You should vote YES for both strike action and industrial action short of a strike on your ballot paper.

Serious Safety Risk Warning Over Plans to Cut Tube Line Inspections

Photo by James Cridlan

TUBE UNION RMT today warned of serious risks to public safety as it emerged that track safety patrols are to be cut.

RMT are pointing to the move to halve safety inspections as clear evidence that claims by Mayor Boris Johnson that the £5 billion black hole facing TfL will not result in front line cuts are nonsense.

Bob Crow, RMT General Secretary, said: “We have warned all along that the multi-billion pound black hole facing TfL, and the financial chaos at Tube Lines, would result in real service cuts and would impact on safety and reliability.

The Neasden Flyer - November 2009

Please Find Attached, the Current issue of The Neasden Flyer

Inside this issue...

Willesden Green Group Ballot for Strike Action

Defending Jobs & Agreements Train Operators Detraining instead of CSAs

Straford Market Depot Ballot for Strike Action