London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

As management wrecks talks, strike dates go ahead on Piccadilly Line

As management wrecks talks strike dates go ahead on Piccadilly Line over comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations

Tube union RMT  today confirmed that talks have broken down and strike action goes ahead next week by nearly 400 train operators across the Piccadilly Line over a comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations combining a range of issues.

RMT calls for assurances on Night Tube

RMT calls for assurances on Night Tube safety case and a fair deal for engineers as Mayor announces July start target

Biggest tube union calls for assurances on safety case and a fair deal for engineers after Mayor confirms July start for Night Tube.

London's largest tube union called for reassurances from  London Underground on the Night Tube safety case, and a fair deal for Tube Lines engineers, after the Mayor confirmed a July start for the ‎project.

Piccadilly Line strike dates announced


Further to my previous Circular (IR/0037/16, 18th February 2016), the ballot has concluded with the following result:-

Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast                       180

Number Voting ‘Yes’                 153

Number Voting ‘No’                  27

Spoilt Papers                            0


Test train operators working with NIRTS



Further to my previous Circular (IR/043/16, 25th February 2016), the ballot has concluded with members’ voting as follows:-


Question: Are you prepared to take strike action?


Total Votes Cast…                     4

Number Voting ‘Yes’…              3

Number Voting ‘No’…               0

Spoilt Papers…                         1


Question: Are you prepared to take action short of a strike?


Piccadilly line strike resolution talks thwarted by 'extremely hostile' tube bosses

Dear RMT members,

Today myself and RMT Piccadilly line reps met the company at ACAS. Aslef were there as well.

We laid out a clear way to resolve this dispute. We insisted that the six warnings at Oakwood were cancelled and a Directors review be called for another specific case.

Both were answered with a "no" and an extremely hostile management approach

We would have been prepared to outline a working plan to resolve other key issues with timetabled resolution talks to be led by a General Manager but managment thwarted that.

Piccadilly Line strike dates confirmed

RMT confirms strike dates after overwhelming vote on Piccadilly Line over comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations

Tube union RMT  today confirmed strike action by nearly 400 train operators across the Piccadilly Line over a comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations combining a range of issues.

RMT has instructed all Train Operators and Instructor Operators to take strike action as follows:

Woman dragged 60 foot by train was saved by tube driver and station workers

RMT demands halt to job cuts and scrapping of driverless trains plans after horrific Clapham South Incident

Tube union RMT today demanded a halt to the massive LU job cuts programme and to the lethal idea of driverless trains after the publication of the official report into the dragging incident at Clapham South Station last year. RMT has also called for all platforms for to be fully staffed.

Piccadilly Line drivers vote for strike action

Overwhelming strike vote on Piccadilly Line over comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations.

An RMT ballot of nearly 400 train operators across the Piccadilly Line for both strike action and action short of a strike over a comprehensive breakdown in industrial relations combining a range of issues has recorded massive votes in favour.

85% voted for strike action with an even larger number voting for action short of a strike.

The result will now be considered by the union’s executive.

RMT call for halt to job cuts as dangerous overcrowding hits Kings Cross

RMT demands halt and reversal of station staffing job cuts as dangerous overcrowding hits Kings Cross and Victoria this morning.

General secretary Mick Cash said.

"The dangerous and chronic overcrowding on London Underground has worsened this morning with Kings Cross closed and Victoria diverting passengers during the peak.

RMT Central Line East branch calls for further action over Fit for the Future

Dear Colleagues,


As you will be aware, the new operating model in respect of Fit for the Future - Stations commenced on 7th February 2016 and I have received a resolution from our Central Line East Branch regarding this matter, which is as follows:-

“We note the following problems on the ‘vanguard groups’ (ie. those on which Fit for the Future – Stations has already been implemented) in our Branch’s area: