London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Tube Staff Denied Customer Satisfaction Bonus After Olympic Year

We note the responses on file from our admin grade members, who are dissatisfied with LUL’s implementation of its Olympic reward policy. We further note that there is no copy on file of the letter to LUL instructed by our decision of 12 December 2012, and instruct the General Secretary to place in front of us this letter and any reply received.

Jubilee Line Drivers To Be Balloted For Industrial Action

Further to our previous decision on this issue, we note that discussions with management have taken place and that although there has been some movement, there is still no satisfactory outcome. We remain in dispute and instruct the General Secretary to ballot our members in line with our previous decision. We welcome the co-operation established with ASLEF on this issue and aim to ballot to the same timetable. Reports and developments are to be placed in front of us.

Trainpeople Workers Vote Yes For Strike Action

That we note the result of the ballot for strikes is as follows:-

Total Votes Cast - 17
Number Voting ‘Yes’ - 17
Number Voting ‘No’ - 0
Spoilt Papers - 0

We congratulate our members on their willingness to take action and for their tireless campaigning alongside their many supporters. We instruct the General Secretary to continue to support campaigning events organised by our Bakerloo branch, and to obtain and place in front of us a report on appropriate industrial action following the branch's next meeting on Monday 4 February.

Tube Agency Staff Vote Unanimously For Strike Action Over Termination

TUBE UNION RMT said today that in a ballot of staff working on London Underground’s “Trainpeople” agency contract members have voted unanimously for strike action over the termination of a deal which will dump dozens of staff on the dole and which makes a mockery of regulations which were supposed to protect the employment rights of agency staff.

RMT London Calling Newsletter February 2013 Edition

You can download the newsletter below


Members should already be in receipt of the broadsheet, "We Can Stop Job Cuts". This outlines how we lost over 800 jobs between March 2011 & March 2012, while passenger numbers have soared to record levels. The Broadsheet details all the arguments of our Union to maintain a fully staffed, publicly owned and integrated transport system.

Unfortunately those who run Government, in London and nationally, and their highly paid bosses at London Underground are not moved by rational arguments. A fully staffed underground system would offer the World Class service that Londoners expect.

Stations Safety Council Advice On Snow Working

The stations safety council have issued this guidance for members working in snow conditions following their December meeting. Any member reading this who wants further advice, please speak with a local rep or contact the trains safety council.

The original bulletin and a pro forma is attached below.

Winter weather/snow clearance

Job Cuts part 2: What's happening Where You Work?

This is the second part of a two part article taken from our newsletter on fighting job cuts. You can download it from here or request copies here

LUL is deliberately moving to a system of less frequent maintenance of the train fleet. They want us to make checks on equipment such as tripcocks far less often. Examinations have already been moved from every 14 days to 28 days, and management plan to change daily checks to once every 60 days, and have us check the new stock just every 60 days. They also plan to reduce Hammersmith depot to little more than a stabling yard, cutting jobs and displacing staff, and to use the introduction of new trains as a pretext to do away with long-established rosters and working practices.

These cuts will inevitably lead to more failures and risk to passengers and staff, but management only care about saving money. They plan to do that by cutting our jobs and reducing their wage bill.

Job Cuts: What's Happening Where You Work?

This is the first part of a two part article taken from our newsletter on fighting job cuts. You can download it from here or request copies here

LUL management’s actions are creating problems for staff in all functions. RMT will be producing a series of leaflets giving detail, information and advice for members in each area. Here is a summary:

Station staff have been hammered since OSP slashed staffing level. Even if some posts are restored, management’s plan is to stretch us further and work us even harder.
To prepare for this, management are leaving duties uncovered, vacancies unfilled and station unstaffed, and repeatedly try to get staff to work outside the rules.

Broadsheet Created For Campaign Against Job Cuts

The RMTs new broadsheet 'We Can Stop Job Cuts' for the London Transport Region, is now available for distribution in workplaces. The RMT's London Region acting Regional Secretary said "Please could representatives make arrangements for collection accordingly for direct distribution into workplaces in accordance with the General Grades Committee’s decision. When you come, you will find a collection sheet and you are asked to put your name and workplace on it just so we know where the papers have gone.

Driving in Manual When Not In Service

At yesterdays Health & Safety tier 2 meeting it was agreed that on TBTC lines when working a train out of service station skip would not be used and T/Ops would manually start trains at every station.

At the present time when auto is not permitted T/Ops drive in protected manual and we maintained that this should remain the case.

Management suggested that T/Ops could have a choice to either work the train in auto or PM and we have said we will take this away and discuss with the Reps on the lines concerned.