London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Picc Line dispute ACAS talks

RMT confirms ACAS talks this morning in Piccadilly Line drivers dispute

Tube union RMT confirmed today that it will be attending talks at ACAS this morning in the long-running dispute on the Piccadilly Line over the breakdown of industrial relations and a comprehensive failure by management to deliver on promised improvements following previous rounds of industrial action.

Strike action scheduled to start at lunchtime Wednesday and running on a phased basis through to Saturday remains on.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

Jubilee South News September 2018 - CSAs join detrainment dispute

Jubilee South News is written by RMT activists in the Jubilee South branch. Please print and distribute in your workplace, and share online with colleagues.

In this edition:

  • CSAs join detrainment dispute

  • Is WTT15 Safe?

  • Inappropriate use of CCTV

  • Core values under pressure

  • New rosters at Waterloo

  • Police, thieves and blurred lines

  • Calling in sick?

  • People forum

  • The RMT is your union, have your say!

Police & Thieves. And Blurred Lines

Those of us who were involved in defending the London Bridge 3 have always held the belief, which was vindicated when LUL chose not to defend their decision to sack Lee Cornell at the ET, that the fare evader was no more than an anti social petty criminal who was spoiling for a row when he was challenged for not having a ticket.

Cops spied on station workers carrying out frontline duties

TUBE UNION RMT today reacted with astonishment after revelations that the British Transport Police (BTP) have been carrying out covert spying operations on London Underground (LUL) front line staff.

Even more astonishing is the revelations that these BTP officers engaged in fare evasion including double gating and other acts of anti-social behaviour to “gauge staff reaction”. Double gating is where a fare-dodger slips through the gate behind a fare-payer. All this was done in real time, live, when the station – Piccadilly Circus – was fully open to the public .

Station staff to be balloted in detainment dispute

That we note the resolution from our Jubilee South Branch and applaud their concern over this unsafe practice which is detrimental to our members and the travelling public.

Therefore, we instruct the General Secretary to ballot all CSA1 staff members at Waterloo for action short of strike that:

They will not give the right to, indicate to or in any other way give assistance to any Waterloo & City Line Train Operators to proceed into the depot or siding, that has not first been physically detrained.

Members to be advised by email and text.

RMT Upfront September 2018

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground drivers, produced by RMT activists.

Here's a taster of what is in this edition.  Download the newsletter to read the full articles, share it online ands distribute it in your depot.

Occupational ill health 
In the latest round of Fit for Nothing or Transformation as LU prefer to call it Occupational Health have become another victim of the abacus and axe.

Piccadilly strike back on as bosses renege on agreements

That we note the report on file from the Lead Officer; that despite our Union going beyond what we were comfortable with to suspend at extremely short notice the strike action for 11th to the 14th July 2018 to accept the detailed offer on the table from the company, the company are reneging on most of the agreed items in the settlement.

Our union members are not to be treated in either the manner which has led to this dispute in the first place nor to be cynically turned over when agreements made in trust and good faith by their reps are disregarded by management.

Cab security: tube bosses proposal not acceptable

The issue of ‘cab security’ has been discussed at the highest levels with London Underground since the spate of terrorist attacks in London and Manchester last year. The RMT even raised this issue with London Mayor Sadiq Khan. At those discussions, Mark Wild, the LU Managing Director gave commitments that this issue would be resolved and that resources would be made available. 

All Central Line drivers to be balloted for strike in defense of brother Bailey

We congratulate both our Central Line branches for standing firm behind our Brother Paul Bailey, and resisting the stitch up being perpetrated against him by the company who have now upheld his dismissal on appeal and refused to grant the union a Directors Review.

This travesty calls into question the integrity of the entire drugs and alcohol policy and testing regime.

We instruct the General Secretary to immediately ballot our Driver Operators and Operator Instructors at all depots on the Central Line for Strike Action.

Members to be advised by email and text.

Defend Paul Bailey: unfairly sacked after passing a drug test

Paul Bailey, a driver at Leytonstone, remains sacked for passing a random drug and alcohol test.

The Head of Central Line Operations and the manager responsible for hearing Paul’s recent appeal, upheld the crazy CDI decision to dismiss Paul, despite all the evidence.

- Please download the attached leaflet to read more including what train driver's union RMT is doing to fight for justice for Paul.