London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Service Control News February 2018

Service control News is the newsletter for service control from the RMT.

In this edition:

  • Every Job Matters: Changes to your current job role are under attack
  • 4LM Hammersmith upgrade, The fight begins...
  • Change Champions: Don’t get involved
  • PRP: Equal Pay for Equal Work 
  • Attendance Reviews Rainbow Reports
  • CHECK YOUR DETAILS; Urgent action for all members

Please download the newsletter and distribute in your control room or share with colleagues online.

Newsnight February 2018: News for Night Tube workers

Newsnight is the newsletter for Night Tube workers on London Underground.

In this edition:

  • Night Tube nightmares - what are we going to do about it?
  • Night Overground at Whitechapel
  • Crossrail
  • Night Tube review

Please download the attached newsletter and distribute it in your Night Tube workplace, or share it online with your colleagues. 

RMT Executive responds to Finsbury Park branch Night Tube motion


We note the resolution from our Finsbury Park Branch regarding the unsatisfactory treatment of our members, the failure of the company to adhere to their agreements and the resulting call for a ballot for industrial action, and refer this matter into our Southern Sub Committee for examination and report.

Relevant Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Jubilee South News January 2018

Jubilee South News is the newsletters for members of the Jubilee South branch.

In this edition: 

  • Thank you Jason, Goodbye Bob
  • The Grinch who stole my Xmas pay
  • New TOMs at Stratford and North Greenwich
  • FFFS - FFFA What’s in a name?
  • Meet our new stations Health & Safety rep

Please download the attached newsletter and distribute it in your workplace, or share online with your colleagues.

The Grinch who stole my Xmas pay cheque

Why should you be in the RMT when LUL tell you there’s no need as we treat all staff with a degree of courtesy and respect?


How about this little Xmas cracker!


Member has had a horrendous year of personal struggle and grief.

Mental Health issues and a promise of support from LUL following a failed suicide attempt.