London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Public rally - Staff Our Stations

Staff Our Stations - Emergency Public Rally in support of Tube workers

Wednesday 1 February, 18:30pm

Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6AQ

Tube journeys are up by 23% in the last six years.

Even Tube management have conceded that the 838 job cuts imposed by the previous Mayor, have had a devastating impact on passenger safety.

Further Industrial action confirmed in fight for Tube safety and jobs

Following the rock-solid strike action taken by RMT tube station members on the 8th and 9th of January the union today confirmed a new phase of action from the 6th of February.

The union’s executive has agreed, following extensive consultation with reps across the tube network, that further, escalated strike action will be called from Monday 6th February unless London Underground meet RMT’s reasonable demands on station staffing and safety.

Tube staff out in force across the network in fight for jobs and safety

Tube staff out in force across the network in fight for jobs and safety

General Secretary Mick Cash said; "Our members are out in force across London Underground this morning in the fight for jobs and safety. The strike action is ‎being solidly supported on every line, at every station and on picket lines right across the Tube network.

"This action has been forced on us by savage cuts to jobs that have reduced London Underground to an under-staffed death trap at a time of heightened security and safety alert.

TFL should stop peddling their fantasy world of ‎services that are operating

RMT warns TFL to stop peddling "dangerous lies" about level of tube services operating during strike.

General Secretary Mick Cash said; "It does no one any favours for TFL to openly lie about how many Tube services are running. It just piles more people into stations that are already dangerously over crowded and ramps up the risk of a major crushing incident. 

"TFL should stop peddling their fantasy world of ‎services that are operating when the truth is that London is on an almost total shutdown.