Black and ethnic minority members

Black and ethnic minority RMT members are organising for equality and against racism. 



RMT Expands Black and Ethnic Minority Members' Advisory Committee

This RMT Executive decision maintains the same ratio of seats to members, but increases the maximum per region from 5 to 6 and introduces a minimum of 2:

That after reviewing the number of Black and Ethnic minority members, we recommend to the Council of Executives that for the period of office from 1st January 2013 to the 31st December 2015 there will be a minimum of two delegates and a maximum of six delegates per Regional Council Area based upon one delegate per 150 members.

Equality Advisory Committees – Basis Of Elections

National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Advisory Committee

In the absence of statistics as to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender membership, we reaffirm the existing basis of election to this Advisory Committee as up to five delegates per Regional Council area. This is to be reviewed prior to the next election in 2015.

Branches, Regional Councils and current members of our National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Advisory Committee to be advised.

National Women’s Advisory Committee

Regional Council Resolutions - August 2012

The following resolutions were passed at this month's regional council meeting.

London Underground Train Operations Support Managers chairing case conferences - Hammersmith & City branch
This regional council believes the new policy of allowing TOSM’s to chair case conferences is outside the current attendance procedure and we believe this to be the thin edge of the wedge.
It is not acceptable for LUL just to change a policy or procedure by sending a letter to head office and stating it has been agreed.

Cleaners Demands

The regional BEM have requested that the union make available the RMT ‘Rail Cleaner Charter’, of which there are limited copies, until we get more printed please see and pass around the attached digital version or see:

The RMT is demanding that the cleaners, who do some of the dirtiest jobs often in appalling conditions to keep the tube running, should receive in return:

Executive Meeting Discuss Equalities Advisory Committee Resolutions

Several resolutions from equality advisory committees have been discussed by the RMT's Council of Executives at its Statutory Meetings, June 2012. These include:

  • Relationship With The United Nations
  • Rmt Representation At Btuc Lgbt Conference - Gender Quotas
  • Venues Of Rmt Lgbt National Advisory Committee Meetings
  • National Black And Ethnic Minority Members Adivsory Committee Deputy
  • Role Of Local Black And Ethnic Minority Secretary
  • Liaison Officer Post
  • Police Brutality And Deaths At The Hands Of The Police
  • Police Corruption
  • Black And Ethnic Minority Executives

    continue reading to see the decisions made

RMTv: John Carlos - Resistance: The Best Olympic Spirit

The iconic image of John Carlos & gold medallist Tommie Smith making their protest against racism, poverty & injustice from the podium at the 1968 Mexico Olympics remains as powerful today as it ever was. On 21 May 2012, John Carlos addressed a meeting organised by RMT and spoke about what motivated him then & how things are today.

Monday 21st of May: Resistance - The Best Olympic Spirit

Seize The Time

The event "Resistance - The Best Olympic Spirit", organised by the RMT, will be held at Friends House on Monday 21st May at 6pm.

Tickets are available for free from Unite Against Facism.

View the flyer here or download below.

Speakers include John Carlos, Doreen Lawrence and Janet Alder.

There will be several unforgettable speakers at the meeting:

7pm: John Carlos, Doreen Lawrence and Janet Alder

continue reading...

Rmt Backs Public Meeting With Olympic Legend And Equal Rights Activist John Carlos From The 1968 Games

RMT ACTIVISTS from London Underground are proud to have initiated a public meeting “Resistance – the Best Olympic Spirit” with one of the two athletes who featured in arguably the most iconic image from the modern history of the games, John Carlos who raised a gloved fist along with his comrade Tommie Smith on the podium in Mexico in 1968.

RMT ACTIVISTS from London Underground are proud to have initiated a public meeting “Resistance – the Best Olympic Spirit” with one of the two athletes who featured in arguably the most iconic image from the modern history of the games, John Carlos who raised a gloved fist along with his comrade Tommie Smith on the podium in Mexico in 1968.

Justice for Dayna - The Badge

The campaign to overturn this cruel injustice handed out to Dayna by LUL gathers pace.
The GGC has decided to enact the following to secure Dayna`s reinstatement;
•pursue this case through the full procedure agreed last year, including a meeting between Bob Crow and Mike Brown before proceeding to industrial action if necessary
•raise this issue with our Parliamentary group
•arrange a meeting with Dayna's GLA member, Navin Shah