
Report: First Ever RMT Disabled Members' Advisory Committee Meeting

The newly-formed RMT Disabled Members' Advisory Committee met for the first time on 14 June. This is a summary of its discussions.


TUC Report

RMT sent its largest ever delegation to the TUC Disabled Workers' Conference in May. Our motion on keeping guards on trains was passed unanimously. Several of our delegates contributed well to the debates. There will be a report in the next RMT News.

LTRC Training - Anti Trade Union laws 25/5/17 - 1300-1500

London Transport Regional Council training day 25 May 1300-1500 at the 12 Pins Finsbury Park 

New anti Trade Union laws came into effect this year and we need to train our reps and activists in how the new laws will affect our ballot results. Equally important is how we organise to overcome the hurdles set by the Government.

The course will be held at 12 Pins, Finsbury Park on May 25 1300 - 1700

To secure a place please contact Eamonn Lynch, Janine Booth or Petrit Mihaj.

London Transport Regional Council-25 May 2017 - 12 Pins, Finsbury Park


The next meeting of the LTRC is on Thursday May 25 1630 -1830

Come and hear reports from Regional Organiser John Leach and NEC member Andy Littlechild.

It's your Union make sure you come and have your say


Ballot to defend the London Bridge three poster - YOUR VOTE MATTERS!

Please download, print, display and distribute in your workplace




Ballot papers will be sent out on May 15 and must be returned by first post June 13 


It's important you vote. The new anti Trade Union laws impose a higher threshold on our ballots and a simple majority is not sufficient.


Message to all L1 RMT Reps: Problem Rosters


Most L1 reps will have had my previous email on this subject but I have updated my list so a few of you will be getting this for the first time.

The issue of achieving better roster balance in terms of extreme shifts and weekend rest days was put at the centre of talks about additional jobs.

We now have a published proposal for 325 new jobs. This is testament to the work done by reps and members in delivering our stations strike in January. We must now ensure that the new jobs we’ve won are used to meet the demands of our members.

RMT station staff strike at London Bridge details 2159 May 7 - 2200 May 8


RMT station staff at London Bridge are to take strike action from 2200 May 7 until 2159 May 8 in defence of the London Bridge  3.

An action short of strike not to service POMs and not to challenge customers without valid tickets/oysters/bank cards will commence at 2200 on May 8.

The RMT National Executive have now escalated the dispute across all Revenue and Station grades on LUL.

Picket lines will be drawn from 2159 on Sunday May7.

Neasden Branch Organising Day

Neasden Branch will be holding an 'Organising Day' on Wednesday 17th May (the same date as the next Branch Meeting). The day will commence at Bond Street at 11:00am.

Reps are asked to make every effort to attend the Organising day which will cover Bond Street upwards to Wembley Park, stopping at stations in between. The branch will provide lunch for all attendees.