
Disability Officer's report to September Regional Council meeting

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1. Disabled People Against Cuts held a week of action to coincide with the Paralympic Games. During the week, DPAC attended our Southern Rail picket line. Disabled campaigners have compiled a report alleging that Southern's plans to remove guards breach the Equality Act in making its services less accessible to disabled passengers.

2. I have spoken about disability issues at several branch meetings, in our region and beyond, and am happy to speak at more.

Local Investigation Report into Canning Town Evacuation Slams Fit for the Future

A company report into an evacuation that went out of control at Canning Town has blamed inadequate staffing levels and the closure of control rooms.

RMT is calling for the one year review of Fit for the Future to be brought forward. We need more staff now. We need control rooms re-opened.

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London Transport Regional Council 29 September

The next meeting of the LTRC will be at the Torch PH in Wembley Park on Thursday September 29 1630 - 1830

Following an initiative from Neadsen Branch the LTRC will be travelling around the region using Branch locations to hold the monthly meeting.

Recruitment and organising activity will take place prior to the Regional Council.

Please make every effort to attend

All members are welcome

It's your Union come and have your say