

A copy of a new contract that Interserve intend to introduce for staff on its LUL contract has recently been received and an initial consultation process has commenced. To date, one meeting has taken place with the Company and the Lead Officer has already had cause to write to Interserve to insist that there is no implementation until the consultation process has concluded. The Union will continue to monitor this situation.
The RMT are to hold a demo to bring the wider issues of cleaners on LUL straight to the Mayors. doorstep

June 23 0900 City Hall

Night Tube to start August 19 ?

Following the announcement of the start of Night Tube, General Secretary Mick Cash said; “There are major unresolved issues in relation to the Tube Lines engineering workforce and it is imperative that the company now moves quickly to address the points at the core of that dispute and reaches a proper negotiated settlement with the union that doesn’t leave that essential group of workers disadvantaged on conditions and pensions.

The Metropolitan Line Craft Club

The Metropolitan Line currently run a craft club at Harrow on the Hill. You don't need to work on the Metropolitan Line or necessarily have any craft skills to join. Anybody is welcome. The next meeting takes place on Wednesday 11th May in the meeting room at Harrow on the Hill between 12:00hrs and 15:30hrs. If you have any needles, crochet needles or yarn that you would like to bring along this would be extremely helpful, and any unwanted items which people would like to donate will be grately received.

Union Learning Rep Vacancy

Do you or anyone you know wish to become a Union Learning Rep? Neasden Branch currently has a vacancy for Union Learning Rep (Metropolitan South). If you're unsure what being a ULR entails, please read the attached document. This position is open to all grades. Nominations will be accepted at the next branch meeting on Wednesday 18th May.

He's my brother - RIP Leon Brumant


The tragic death of Leon on Friday April 22 has shocked and saddened all of his friends and comrades in the RMT.

Here are a few thoughts and words from RMT members

There is a Facebook page dedicated to tributes to Leon and a page for donations.


He's my brother - RIP Leon Brumant