
Latest edition of londoncalling - LUL renege on their commitment for salary guarantee

LU’s plans to trigger mass displacement of CSAs, SAMFs, SCRAs and Supervisors have been confirmed in talks about Fit for the Future..
We have been pushing the company to explain how widespread displacements will be avoided and to explain how the guarantee of being offered a role with no loss of pay can work with the new staffing model that LU is proposing.
Now we have an answer. In order for SSMFs, SAMFs and SCRAs to keep their substantive salary they will have to pass an assessment to prove they are competent for the new grade (CSS2 or CSS1).

RMT cleaners say no to fingerprinting !

RMT cleaners on ISS refuse to book on using biometric machines.
Please download and print the attached newsletter and proforma to support our cleaners
Station staff: support the cleaners’ action!
RMT has been involved in a long-running dispute over the use of fingerprinting for booking on which the union believes is a fundamental attack on civil liberties and designed to completely dehumanise the
workplace while threatening jobs through automation in the drive for increased profits.

Mayors debate on the state of London 25 June 2014

Please download, print and display the attached pdf around your workplaces

The Mayor of London is holding his annual ‘State of London Debate’ on 25th of June at the 02. This is a vital opportunity for the RMT and London’s public to intervene and hold the Mayor to his election promise to “keep every ticket office open”, to stop the job losses on the tube and to defend London’s Underground from the Tories austerity attacks to our transport system.

You can get tickets to attend the event. Please go to the website

HOLT Day of action - June 13

HOLT Day of Action: 13 June

To link up with the RMT’s national organising day on Bob Crow’s birthday, 13 June, the Hands Off London Transport campaign is organising leafletting of the public and other action to raise awareness of the harmful effects of Tube cuts.

So far, actions are planned at Brixton, Walthamstow, Finchley Central and Kings Cross Tube stations. If you want to organise an event at your local Tube station, please get in touch and we will provide campaign materials.

4.30pm-6.30pm, Friday 13 June.

Mayor`s debate on the state of London - Let him have our views on 953 jobs and ticket office closures

Boris Johnson has asked for Londoners their views on the state of London - lets get down there and give him them !
Its an all ticket affair, all you have to do is register for free tickets
Its vitally important the RMT tell Johnson our views

Disabled Access to Public Transport: TUC Disabled Workers' Conference Speech

This is the speech I gave to TUC Disabled Workers' Conference on 28 May.

Many of you will have your own experiences of both the freedom provided by public transport and the difficulty using it – be that the railway, buses, shipping, air travel, trams, riverboats, taxis, or other modes of transport.

Let’s look at some statistics and facts – mainly about the railways.

In a 2013 survey of disabled people, nearly 80% used the railways, half of them at least monthly, often weekly or more.

Support Mark Harding

Defend Mark Harding, drop the charges now, defend the right to picket.
With the strike action on the Tube on hold, it is important not to lose momentum in the campaign to defend Mark. He has been charged under Section 241 of the Trade and Labour Relations Act and could face a prison sentence. Mark was dragged off the picket line at Hammersmith by the police after a strikebreaking staff member got upset at being asked to respect the picket line.
His trial is Friday 23rd May, at City of London Magistrates Court, 1 Queen Victoria Street, EC4N 4XY (nearest Tube Bank/Monument)