Latest edition of londoncalling - LUL renege on their commitment for salary guarantee

LU’s plans to trigger mass displacement of CSAs, SAMFs, SCRAs and Supervisors have been confirmed in talks about Fit for the Future..
We have been pushing the company to explain how widespread displacements will be avoided and to explain how the guarantee of being offered a role with no loss of pay can work with the new staffing model that LU is proposing.
Now we have an answer. In order for SSMFs, SAMFs and SCRAs to keep their substantive salary they will have to pass an assessment to prove they are competent for the new grade (CSS2 or CSS1).
Once competence is established the company will tell you where to go and if you refuse the location you will lose your substantive pay and be downgraded on three years protected earnings.
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Any SAMF or SCRA wanting to keep their salary will have to prove their competence to be a supervisor. If you fail, you do not get a CSS2 position.
SSMFs will have to prove their competence to run a busy section 12 station and control room. Again, anyone who fails will lose their CSS1 position and

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