

Once again, the Morning Star must appeal to its backbone and its lifeblood, the readers who own, support and underwrite the paper - in short, you.

And if you do not respond, and soon, there may well not be a paper to support.

It has been an eventful and in many ways successful four or five years for the Morning Star.

In that period, we have gained formal support and a presence on our board of management from a solid majority of the organised trade union movement - a first that has astonished - and gratified - people throughout the labour movement.

Liverpool Homotopia Festival

This annual festival in Liverpool may be of interest to members


Cruising for Art

1-30 November 2011

Welcome to our 8th festival happening across Liverpool throughout November. This year's festival theme is 'Cruising For Art' and we are thrilled that artist Sadie Lee's iconic painting 'Anderrida Shurville' is the 2011 festival campaign which also forms part of a new exhibition 'Pin Ups'.

LGBT Gains and Inequalities

At this years RMT Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender conference, Executive member for London Transport Region Janine Booth brought to members attentions the realities of LGBT rights internationally and the equalities that British LGBT workers and people still lack.

Internationally full legal equality for homosexuals only exists in 8 countries in the world. That is that they have equal rights including an equal marriage something that still eludes us in the UK. In 80 countries homosexuality is still illegal. Of these seven countries still have the death penalty. Only recently Uganda was attempting to criminalize all homosexual acts - punishment being a death sentence.

LGBT Conference Report 2011

The 2011 RMT LGBT Conference was held in Plymouth following a successful Young Member’s Conference a few months previously. There was a good turn out of delegates which made for an enjoyable social event the evening before the conference - and the local gay scene was very welcoming. One local gay pub held a quiz. The winning team consisted of four of our very own LGBT conference delegates who kindly donated the £20 prize to St Luke’s Hospice in Plymouth.


BEAT THE BULLY! is a benefit gig for the tube workers.

Stop the cuts, stop the sackings, march for the alternative.

JERRY DAMMERS (SPECIALS) headline this show of solidarity on SUNDAY 20 MARCH 4pm-12.30am BRIXTON JAMM.

Also present will be The Rosinators, DJs Tattoo John (Alabama 3).

Tickets are £12/8 advance, £14/10 on door Rmt/tssa members concs rate . BRIXTON JAMM 261 Brixton Rd, SW9.

To get tickets or read more head over to the Brixton Jamm website.

Stonewall Survey on Gay And Bisexual Men's Health

Stonewall is conducting a survey on the health needs of gay and bisexual men.

"This will be the largest ever survey of gay men’s health. We know quite a lot about gay men’s sexual health, but very little is known about the wider health needs of gay and bisexual men." Say Stonewall.

If you'd like to take part in the survey, click this link to go to Stonewall's website.

Email to Egyptian Embassy: Don't ban strikes and workers' meetings

I have today sent the following email to the Egyptian Embassy,

I have today read in the media (for example, here: that Egypt’s military authorities are planning to issue an order banning workers’ meetings and strikes. If this is true, I wish to register the strongest possible objection.

Links: Workers' and Trade Union Involvement in Egyptian Uprising

While the exciting events in Egypt make headline news, the mainstream media do not tell us much about workers' and trade union involvement. So I have compiled this selection of links: