
RMT Marches with Students

RMT members joined other trade unionists and students in marching through London today to protest against rises in tuition fees, cuts in education funding, and the scrapping of the Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA).

EPS branch banner
placard says clegg epic fail

NUT placard
janine speaking

The last photo shows me speaking at the opening rally, giving solidarity greetings from RMT - after a speaker from the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts had sent a speaker to our Regional Council meeting two days previously.

Personal Thanks For Your Support




Dear Colleagues,

As you are aware, I was summarily dismissed from LUL on October 13th 2010.
This letter is my chance to set out the facts of the case rather than the half truths, rumours and spin LUL have chosen to fill the media with.

On August 9th my train had a defective trip cock at Stonebridge Park. When this incident was being investigated, I was given assurances by Bakerloo senior managers that my job was not on the line and I would face a misconduct charge at the most.

TfL Free Travel To Be Provided By - Get a Loan at 2689% APR

TfL have accepted as sponsors of free travel on New Year's Eve.

Wonga is a 'pay day loan' company with a typical APR of 2689%. If you were to borrow a fiver from them for one day - enough to cover a single journey on the tube, you'd owe them £10.60.

For many Londoner's, these loans may seem to be the only way to access funds, more so as decent jobs are cut and employee rights eroded following the ConDem goverments and bosses attacks on working class people - as can be seen at LU where 800 positions will be cut.

Welcome Note


Hi, I'm Les Bruty, H&S Rep At Wembley Park.
I'd like to welcome all members to your local Website pages, somewhere you can vocie your views or annouce someones birthday its your choice.
So please take time to ask your reps to upload your entries.

Transport Commisioner Peter Hendy Guardian Interview

Transport For London's commissioner Peter Hendy was recently interviewed by Dave Hill for The Guardian.

In the interview Hendy says that TFL will be facing cuts in its budget of 21% over the next few years. Future job losses are discussed with Hendy foreseeing that "The other thing you take a hit on is the cost of running the place. We will be doing less in some areas, so we will need less people to do it"

Boris Johnson On The Safety Of Londoners During LFB Union Strike

In an interview on LBC Radio, Boris Johnson is asked "For the record, the mayor of London believes London will be adequately protected from fire by twenty-seven appliances crewed by part time staff, trained for on average two weeks." Boris didn't confirm the safety of the plans, dodging the question by answering 'The preparations were perfectly good.'