
What the Regional Council is doing to improve RMT organisation on London Transport, to recruit, retain and involve members

LT Regional Council activities September 2015

London Transport Reg Council are organising various events in the upcoming weeks:


First up is a demo against the BIS Secretary Sajid Javid and an issuing of an injunction to him.
The demo is tomorrow September 9th at 1800 - follow link below for facebook event
He was elected on a majority of less than 38% - but strives to impose a threshold of 40% for Trade Union strike ballots

There is a follow up demo on September 14 on the right to strike to coincide with the 2nd reading of the anti trade union bill.

Piccadilly Reps Report July 2015

Well I am pleased to say that my area is fantastically strong. We REPs have recruited every single new person to the Piccadilly Circus group. Fixed term as well. 12 members in the last month.

Amazing, it's really easy for you to use your iPad to recruit. Giving someone a paper membership application is so last year. I do it on my personal iPad. Takes 5 minutes.

RMT fight back against the onslaught of anti worker policies

LTRC are organising a weeks recruitment activity June 7 - 13 across all of our region.
We have asked full time officers to try to make part of these days.
But as you know the main focus and organising abilities of branch secretaries always ensure these events are a success.
We are asking all branches to participate in this important activity.

LUL have today announced their intention to press ahead with night tube for drivers
Station staff have already been given their rosters.
Fleet and engineering to follow.
Service control are also being lined up.

Nominations open for LU MATS Rep

Roy Carey has recently stood down from the role of MATS Rep for Tfl No.1 & LU MATS Branch on 11th May 2015.

The Branch has elected DTSM Lorna Tooley in the interim

We would like to open this position for nominations (for MATS LU Operational grades only)

The nominee must be in attendance at the next meeting to be held on 8th June 5pm at The Crown Pub, 108 Blackfriars Roadd, London SE1 8HW

Please notify Branch Secretary Paul Rutland or Branch Chair Linda Wiles

One day training course - recruitment/retention & organising. May 11 & June 1

One day course on recruitment,retention & organising.

As you know the Senior AGS Steve Hedley has made mapping of local areas a focus of RMT recruitment/retention.
It would be hugely beneficial if local reps are able to take up the opportunity to participate on these courses.
We intend to run courses throughout the year and are hoping all local reps/activists are able to take part.
Paid release from the employer should be requested as we have a statutory right for paid training.
Should they refuse the RMT will cover loss of earnings.

The disgraceful treatment of employees continues unabated.

The disgraceful treatment of employees continues unabated.

Our cleaners all over the combine are having to contend with bullying and intimidating managers who routinely abuse agreed policies and procedures including;

• Grievances unheard
• pay illegally deducted
• pay slips not provided
• victimisation
• race discrimination
• targeting of RMT trade union reps for their trade union activities.

East Ham recruitment day - organise to defend Noel Roberts, Vicky hayward and Alex McGuigan

East Ham branch are holding an organising/recruitment day on Thursday November 6
Meet at West Ham station at 1000

Vicky, Noel and Alex have been dismissed by LUL
This is our chance to build support and make sure everyone is aware of their issues

Loss of earnings will be covered by the region

Following the recruitment day, the East Ham branch will be held at the Spotted Dog PH, Barking at 1645

Reinstate Vicky, Alex and Noel immediately