London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Tube Bosses Announce Driverless Train Plan

London Underground's 'Director of Strategy & Service Development' has sent out an internal bulletin to all tube workers detailing a plan for new trains that "will have the capability to be operated with, or without, a train operator at the front of the train." London Underground will pay £3 billion for this new fleet of trains which they plan to introduce from 2020 and "by the end of the 2030s, ultimately be rolled out across the Piccadilly, Bakerloo, Central and Waterloo & City Lines."

Branch Motion In Support Of Mark Harding

Hammersmith & City RMT branch has passed two motions in support of Mark Harding. The branch invites other branches to adopt the same motion should they wish.

The motion
This branch/region (etc) condemns the arrest by BTP of Mark Harding, the RMT Branch Secretary of Hammersmith & City Branch. Mark was arrested despite only carrying out legitimate trade union activities whilst on the picket line outside his place of work.

Book Launch of Plundering London Underground

All RMT members are invited to the launch event of PLUNDERING LONDON UNDERGROUND: New Labour, Private Capital and Public Service 1997-2010 by Janine Booth, former London Transport region representative on RMT’s national executive.

WEDNESDAY 19 FEBRUARY, 18:00-20:00
WEA LONDON, 96 - 100 Clifton Street, EC2A 4TP
(venue details and map here:

Bob Crow - General Secretary RMT
Janine Booth - Author
Andy Littlechild – LU Engineering branch

Signed copies of the book will be available on the night at special rate of £10 per copy!

London Assembly Calls For Public Consultation On Job Cuts

The London Assembly has passed an urgent motion calling for Mayor Boris Johnson to call a public consultation on planned ticket office closures and the loss of 950 jobs. The motion, passed by 15 Labour / Liberal Democrat Assembly Members, to 9 Tory member also welcomes all night weekend running.

The Motion

Proposer: Val Shawcross AM

Seconder: Caroline Pidgeon AM

Every Job Matters Meeting

Please make every effort to attend the “Every Job Matters” meeting that the RMT General Secretary Bob Crow has arranged.

The meeting begins at 18.00 on Tuesday 18TH February 2014, at the Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, WC1R 4RL.

Read more about the Every Job Matters dispute here.

Industrial Action Suspended But Our Fight To Save Jobs Continues

From RMT London Transport Region, Regional organiser John Leach

Dear Colleagues

You have nobody to thank but yourselves for what RMT and TSSA has achieved this week. Full details of the details of the deal hammered out at ACAS over Monday and Tuesday are given later in this bulletin. All I’ll say for now is that this is what we were asking for all along.

RMT Prepares For Seven Weeks Of Talks On Every Job Matters Dispute

Dear RMT member,

Following the suspension of the strike action, I and RMT representatives have attended two meetings with LUL management this week. These discussed arrangements for the seven weeks of discussions that we agreed.

I have made it clear that the union is still in dispute over the Fit For The Future - Stations plans and all threats to jobs. RMT is explicitly campaigning against and will resist the cuts that drive these attacks.

There are two meetings of the Joint Working Party (JWP) next Tuesday and Thursday. We will report back after these meetings.

In solidarity