London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Trains Managers Asked To Work As 'Incident Station Supervisors' With 4 Days Training

RMT Regional Organiser John Leach has written to London Underground Human Resources Boss Gerry Duffy in response to a trains operations staff manager asking subordinate managers whether they would be willing to work as 'Incident Station Supervisors' with just a 4 day training course. In Leach's letter to Duffy he explains that he is "extremely concerned with the Health & Safety implications" of this proposal as there is a "rigorous training programme for Station Supervisors."

The request for volunteers asked:

Not Everyone Is Facing Cuts!

Transport for London (TfL) says that one reason that it needs to remove nearly 1,000 London Underground station staff is that it has to save money. Perhaps there are other sources of savings ...

TfL pays 328 people more than £100,000 in 2012/13, 33 of them more than £200,000.

High earners include:
Peter Hendy, Commissioner, £652,452
Andrew Wolstenholme, Chief Executive, Crossrail, £567,828
Andy Mitchell, Programme Director, Crossrail, £552,405
Mike Brown, Managing Director, Rail and Underground, £475,651

Comrade! Resist LULs Proposals


Alongside every grade on the tube LU train drivers will shortly be receiving ballot papers for strike action and action short in defence of our jobs on the tube.

LU’s plans to slash staffing on stations will effect every grade in every function and will impact directly on drivers ability to do our job safely and professionally.

Bob Crow Writes To LUL Boss In Response To 'Farcical and Insulting' Assertions

Dear Gerry

Fit for Future – Stations – Consultation

I am in receipt of your letter of 2nd December 2013 and must state at the outset I am amazed and disappointed at the assertions it contains. To suggest that this union is unwilling to discuss issues such as the loss of jobs and closure of all booking offices is farcical and insulting.

My Regional Organiser, John Leach, met with you yesterday and asked a number of questions, answers to which we believe we are legally entitled in order to cost the proposals. For ease of reference these were as follows:-

Every Job Matters - special EC Meeting Tuesday December 10th


EJM Action committee meeting

Tuesday Dec 10 @ 1600 Unity House

What the cuts mean to you
• Every ticket office closed
• 953 job losses
• No night turn supervision
• Station staff to reapply for their jobs
• Cuts in train & track maintenance
• Driverless trains
• Cuts in service control
What can you do?

• Come to the action committee meeting on 10th December @1600 at Unity House, Chalton St London NW1- Euston/Euston Sq stns
• Return your ballot paper- VOTE YES for action
Keep up to date with campaign at:

Piccadilly Line Drivers To Strike Over 'Systematic Abuse'

Following a ballot for strike action which resulted in an overwhelming 88% vote in favour in a dispute over the systematic abuse of drivers and the unilateral ripping up of negotiated agreements, all RMT Train Operators and Instructor Operators on the Piccadilly Line are instructed to not book on for any turns of duty that commence between: -

12:00 hours on Wednesday 4th December 2013 and 11:59 hours on Thursday 5th December 2013.

TfL Ambassador Industrial Action Reminder

We note the circular from LUL management seeking volunteers to work as ‘TfL Ambassadors’, previously known as ICSAs. We continue to have serious concerns about how TfL and LUL attempt to deploy these staff, in ways which breach the settlement of our 2008 Casualisation dispute and undermine safe operating practices and the jobs of station staff.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to remind London Underground members of our ongoing industrial action short of strikes on this matter, contained in our decision Gww 19 July 2012 and amended by our decision Gww 15 August 2012.

Poster: Don't Let LUL Get Its Way

The poster can be downloaded below

The Decimation of Our Jobs (if we allow LU to get their way)

Fact - Total cuts package by 2021 will be £4.2 billion.
Fact – CSAs, SAMFs, SCRAs & SSs will all be affected.
Fact – We will all need to re-apply for our jobs.
Fact - Station cuts will only save £270 million.
Fact - £270m is just 6% of the total above.
Fact – After station cuts there’s still £3.9 billion to save.
Fact – The remaining 94% will come from your job too.

London Underground Document Gives More Detail On Devastating Cuts Plan

The RMT have recieved a new document which reveals more details of London Undergrounds cuts plan. This newly released document, attached below, is a 'Change Assurance Plan' which gives some further insight into what these cuts, if successful, could mean in health & safety terms .

The document is very low on detail of how the proposed changes to station staffing structure will impact on the driver grade. However, section 2.7 claims that there are no changes proposed to train operations.