Alternate ways of organising union meetings

In response to RMT Union’s Circular No. MF/27/20 (17 March 2020 - here), COVID-19 – RMT Update, following a special meeting of the NEC where it was confirmed the union shall continue to communicate with members, branches and regions by utilising emails and texts rather than the traditional hard copy communications.  It was also recommended that branch or regional council meetings should not be held until advice is issued to the contrary and that necessary branch and regional council business are to be conducted by branch committees and regional council executive committees utilising technology such as telephone conferencing to get business done. 

Therefore as your LTRC Secretary and in line with the above, I will be setting up a LTRC Executive Committee WhatsApp group. This will ensure the regional council can still operate during these difficult times. For the business of the union to continue this will require active participation from all LTRC officers, branch secs, branch chairs, grade/ equalities committees’ chairs and secretaries and any delegates who form part of the committee. I will set this up by either adding members or by way of an invite. 

I am leaving it for the discretion of those who want to be involved, so that they may represent their area or grade or particular function as an opportunity for this responsibility. The expectation for the group would be to conduct ourselves in the same manner as the normal regional council meetings and refrain from using the group for anything other than LTRC Executive matters. 

Further any substitute meetings will now take place through video conferencing where decisions can be agreed on. While we appreciate it is not an ideal replacement for face to face meetings, until informed otherwise, we feel this will be the safest way to conduct business. 

Solidarity and strength over these difficult times ahead,

London Transport Regional Council Secretary