Latest: Strike is on as LUL offer nothing

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RMT spent ten hours in talks with London Underground management yesterday (Monday 8 June). We made many proposals and offered many opportunities for management to settle our dispute with them, but sadly, at the end of a long day all London Underground offered was more talks. # They refused to even discuss pay. # They still refuse to respond to our claims for improved conditions, for example a guaranteed alternative job if you become medically unfit for your existing post. # They refused to acknowledge their existing policy committing the company to no compulsory redundancies for all grades. # They refused to reverse the injustices against any of the seven individual cases that we asked them to review. # They refused seven reasonable proposals from us to stop managers abusing the attendance procedure to mistreat staff.

This leaves us with: # a pay offer below the real rate of inflation ie. a real-terms pay cut # no improvements to your conditions of work # the threat of compulsory redundancy hanging over all our staff # several of your workmates unfairly sacked or disciplined # managers continuing with their regime of fear and intimidation against staff when you are sick

We can not accept that.

Had London Underground been willing to seriously address our concerns, we could have resolved this dispute and avoided strike action. However, they stubbornly and unreasonably refused to do so, leaving RMT with no choice but to proceed with this week’s strike.

We remain available to talk to management at any time: before, during or after the strike. We are still hopeful of progress.

But as things stand now, the only way now to get management to negotiate in any meaningful way is to make this week’s action as strong as possible. Every member of staff can play your part in this. Join the strike and you help RMT to win for all workers; go to work and you help management attack your rights and defeat the union. It’s as simple as that.