Resolutions to July Regional Council meeting

1. TAXI newpaper - submitted by London Taxi Branch
That the London Taxi Branch requests the General Secretary to take all legal steps possible to stop the constant barrage of misinformation which emanates from the Licensed Taxi Drivers' Association newspaper publication TAXI which is destroying the good standing and reputation of the RMT London Taxi Branch within the London Taxi fraternity.

2. Election of Functional Reps - submitted by Central line West Branch
This branch reaffirms its support for the policy of functional and tier two reps returning to the workplace after a three year term in office.
This branch also supports the ability of functional reps to stand down from the level 1 position if they so choose.
However this branch believes that it is unfair that candidates for functional council have to be local reps in order to be eligible.
We ask that the LTRC removes the prerequisite to be a local rep in order to stand for functional council.

3. Legal action - submitted by Stratford No 1
This Branch motions that the GS requests our solicitors to study the possibility of taking LUL and her officers to court for defamation and perjury with relation to recent ET findings. Also the Union should explore the options with taking a case to the European Court of Human Rights for Discrimination on the Grounds of Union Activity. We members of Stratford No1 Branch believe that LULs action breaches the law on a persons right to private and family life.We request that the GS & solicitors write to Stratford No1 with their conclusions.

4. LUL use of Passport Identification for external workers - submitted by LU Engineering
This Region condemns the culture of fear and exclusion that LUL are trying to instil on its external work force. People attending training courses are continually asked to produce proof of eligibility to work, despite being employed by LUL for many years and decades. It is our belief that other methods and processes can be used that are not so intrusive on our members personal details. We therefore call on the Council of Executives to:
• Start a campaign to raise awareness of this issue with our broader membership
• Produce a 'know your rights' leaflet with regards to producing documents continually proving eligibility to work (such as passports)
We contact LUL and TfL to investigate alternative methods to prove eligibility.

5. TUC Black Workers' Conference - submitted by LU Engineering
This region demands that the RMT carries out its responsibility toward its Black Activists in regards to their entailment of Delegation to the TUC's Black Workers Conference from 2012 onwards
Having just over half of our delegation entailment present at this year's conference (8 -10 April 2011), greatly influenced the outcome for our candidate to the Race Relations Committee and increased his vote since we last stood a candidate.
Had we had our full entitlement, our candidate would have been guaranteed at least 15 votes from RMT members based on our current members' numbers.
Our ability to lobby would increase and will be greatly enhanced by our full entitlement for 2012 and beyond.
In the event of a shortfall in the normal election process, the proposal agreed and put forward by the RMT's own Black and Ethnic Minority members' conference should be applied.
If that does not result in the required amount, then the matter should be resolved via the last B&EMMA meeting before our conference in March each year.

6. GLA Elections - submitted by Neasden Branch
This branch/Region supports the growing anti-cuts movement and we realise that a successful movement will require an industrial political strategy.
We realise that all three major political parties, including Labour,are making cuts in local authorities in London.
The London elections for the Greater London Assembly and mayor present an opportunity for a trade union based anti-cuts challenge involving community and trade union campaigns. This could take place under the name of Trade Unionists Against Cuts, a registered name of the Trade Unionists and Socialists Coalition (TUSC). This would give an anti-cuts electoral alternative to the electorate of London.
We believe the RMT in London should approach other trade union and working class campaigning forces to assess whether such a challenge is possible and to convene a meeting to discuss the possibilities.
To these ends:
This Branch/Regional Council will argue in favour of an anti-cuts electoral challenge at the next GLA/Mayoral elections as outlined above.
The Branch/Region calls on all LTRC Branches to identify a co-ordinator to receive and pass on information about this issue to members.This person may be the Branch political officer.
The LTRC will approach other Trade Unions and campaigns,as outlined above,to raise the idea of such an electoral challenge and to organise a meeting as outlined above.
Note:There are three separate parts to the London election: 14 constituency candidates (first past the post); a London wide list to elect 11 seats by a form of PR; the election of the mayor (2 votes in order of preference).This means it is possible to stand a mayoral candidate while also supporting a second preference candidate against Boris Johnson.

7. Palestine/BDS - submitted by TFL No1
This branch fully endorses the PTUC-BDS Statement. We call on the Regional council to endorse and forward to CofE. We also call on the Regional Political Officer to arrange for a Regional Special meeting on the matter inviting a speaker from COSATU among others.