RMT blames “poisonous cocktail of cuts and overcrowding” for huge rise in injuries on London Underground


Tube union RMT today blasted the “poisonous cocktail of cuts and overcrowding as an FOI request by the website London Loves Business revealed an increase in over 400% in platform injuries on London Underground.

The research shows that in 2003, a grand total of 56 “Platform/Train Interface” incidents were recorded. This number has increased every year to 2014 (the last full set of figures available), when an astonishing 298 such incidents were recorded.

This is an increase in the number of accidents of 432% overall.

The shocking new figures correspond with a surge in passenger numbers and a programme of staffing reductions to meet a package of cash-led cuts.

According to TfL’s figures, since 2003 there has been a 34% increase in passengers on the Tube and that number is set to continue to surge ahead as the population of London grows and more workers are forced to travel in from greater distances.  Early in February LU are planning to bulldoze through the axing of over 800 safety-critical station staff jobs – jobs that are critical at the platform/train interface. RMT is holding a week of action to correspond with the introduction of those cuts.

RMT, which has led a long fight against LU’s job cuts programme, has responded angrily to the figures obtained by London Loves Business.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“These shocking figures can be put down to the poisonous cocktail of station staffing cuts and severe overcrowding which is wrecking the safety culture on London Underground.
“RMT has warned that passenger safety is being compromised but the Mayor and his officials have ignored us. These figures should be the wakeup call that forces those running the tube to halt their cuts programme and should nail once and for all the call for driverless trains.

“RMT will continue to fight the station jobs cuts plans including a week of action starting on the 7th February. ”

> RMT National News

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