Rmt demands immediate action as Tube workers denied drinking water in appalling heat.

RMT members employed as Train Drivers, Station staff, Track workers,Train Maintaince and other front line staff have been told by LUL that they will no longer be provided with decent drinking water whilst they at work. Instead, the normal standalone drinking water units are being stripped out in a cost cutting exercise.

RMT members are being told do take a mug of water off the tap, warm water which hasn't even been tested as fit for human consumption.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said;

"What makes this sickening is the sheer hypocrisy and double standards in that managers who work in air condioned offices , usually not doing shift work out in the heat, are still being provided chilled water.

"We are now in full summer heat and this needs to be rectified urgently . What a bunch of cheapskates and hypocrites these tube bosses are. You wouldnt treat a dog the way our members are being treated in this heat.

"The mayor should intervene right now and fix this appalling double standard on the most basic of working conditions."

> RMT National News

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Thursday, 6th June
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