RMT to issue guidance to members on dealing with suspect devices

TUBE UNION RMT said today that it is to issue new guidance to members in dealing with suspect devices as the union pledged again to resist attempts by London Underground to water down safety and security procedures.

Proposals by LU bosses to tamper with the existing processes have sparked a furious reaction from RMT members and reps – particularly in light of the North Greenwich bomb incident.

As a result, RMT’s executive has agreed the following:

  • To write to all members advising them that we are strongly opposed to LU's insistence, contained in the new HOT Process, compelling our members to look inside unattended items. Also to give guidance to our members on what to do when dealing with such packages.
  • Seek a face to face meeting with the Mayor to advise him of this issue and to make him clear about our position; and to demand safety critical training designed to assist our members when dealing with 'active shooter' and 'bladed weapon'. 
  • Contact the DfT to verify statements by LU that these changes are driven by them and not by TFL and tube bosses. 

Mick Cash, RMT General Secretary said: 

“RMT members and reps have reacted with fury to proposals from tube bosses that would see a clear watering down on safety and security procedures and specifically the processes for dealing with a suspect device. The union  is wholly opposed to the idea that our members should be opening up and examining suspect bags and packages. That is a high risk job for specialised, anti-terror forces.

“If LU managers are telling us that these changes are being driven by the Government and their austerity cuts then we need the maximum campaign of opposition and that is why RMT is now seeking a face to face meeting with the Mayor on this issue.

“RMT will not tolerate any tampering with the safety and security culture on London Underground and the Mayor and his team need to be aware of that and should be supporting the staff out there at the sharp end not placing them under impossible levels of pressure and stress.”

> RMT National News

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