Strike action over victimised tube drivers off to allow for talks and for fresh ballot of all tube drivers

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that strike action on the Bakerloo and Northern Line’s, scheduled to run from Sunday to Monday evening over the victimisation and sacking of two drivers, has been called off to allow for ACAS talks and to pave the way for a ballot for action of all London Underground drivers.

RMT had also received a threat from the employers to dash to the Court’s under the cloak of the anti-trade union laws.

Eamonn Lynch, RMT Bakerloo Line drivers’ health and safety rep, has been sacked by LU and although he remains on full pay following the union’s victory on Eamon’s behalf at an “interim relief” Employment Tribunal hearing the company has shown total contempt for the Tribunal process and have upheld his sacking. Interim relief is only ever granted by the Employment Tribunal where there is the clearest possible evidence that an employee has been dismissed on the grounds of their trade union activities.

Arwyn Thomas, a long-standing RMT activist and driver at Morden has been sacked on trumped-up disciplinary charges following unproven allegations made against him by strike breakers. Arwyn has been an RMT/NUR member for over 29 years and has held various positions in the union. Arwyn has also won an interim relief hearing at the Employment Tribunal on the grounds of his victimisation as an RMT activist and has been put back on full pay as a result.

RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:

"Our members Eamonn Lynch and Arwyn Thomas have both won interim hearings at the Employment Tribunal that show they were victimised on the grounds of trade union activities.

"As a result LU has had to put them both back on wages and the time has come to get them back to work doing the job they are being paid to do and that's driving Tube trains.

“RMT will now take part in talks with the intention of getting our members back to work and the calling off of the action this weekend also allows us to begin preparations for a fresh ballot of all London Underground drivers. This trade union remains rock-solid in our support for our victimised members and that message should be received loud and clear.”


> RMT National News

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