Tube cleaners strike ballot begins

TUBE UNION RMT has confirmed that a strike vote involving cleaners the length and breadth of London Underground in a fight for workplace justice has kicked off today.

The cleaning staff are employed by private contractors ABM and have been fighting for parity with their LU colleagues on a number of fronts including pensions, sick pay and travel. RMT believes that the ABM cleaning workforce are being discriminated against when compared to their colleagues and that the Mayor should be stepping in to bring an end to the scandal of the two-tier workforce across London Underground that is being allowed to operate on his watch.

The strike ballot opens today and will close on Tuesday 19th November.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:

“It is a disgrace that over two thousand staff who clean London Underground’s trains and stations are treated as second class citizens in their own workplace. We intend to right that wrong.

“This large group of staff, employed by the contractors ABM, clean up the human waste, vomit and other detritus and are instrumental in keeping London moving. They do some of the dirtiest jobs round the clock right across the tube network and without their rapid response and continuing efforts services would be seriously compromised. They should not be subject to this outrageous workplace discrimination.

“It’s about time Sadiq Khan and LU called their contractors to account. We are calling on Londoners to back their tube cleaners fight for justice and as the ballot gets underway we remain available for serious and genuine talks.”

> RMT National News

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