Next Regional Council meeting

RMT's London Transport Regional Council meets on the last Thursday of every month (except December and June) between 4.30 and 6.30pm at the <a href=" Aloysius Social Club</a> on the corner or Phoenix Road and Eversholt Street, near Euston station.

This section of the website tells you what is coming up at the next meeting.

Feb 2013 London Calling Newsletter


Members should already be in receipt of the broadsheet, "We Can Stop Job Cuts". This outlines how we lost over 800 jobs between March 2011 & March 2012, while passenger numbers have soared to record levels. The Broadsheet details all the arguments of our Union to maintain a fully staffed, publicly owned and integrated transport system.

Conduct Of Members At Regional Council Meetings

A letter from the LTRC President Vaughan Thomas, also signed by Secretary John Reid and Treasurer Ross Marshall

A number of members have expressed concern at the general tone of the Regional Meetings over recent months. The Regional Officers share this concern and pledge to do all we can to develop a culture of comradeship and inclusiveness. In this way we hope we can encourage members, old and new, to come along to these meetings and express their opinions without fear of intimidation.

Change of Venue For Regional Council Meeting

RMT's London Transport Regional Council meets on the last Thursday of every month (except December and June) between 4.30 and 6.30pm.There is now a new temporary venue until further notice: Exmouth Arms,just off Drummond Street near Euston station.

If you need to confirm the meeting time and place or find further information about these meetings have a look here, speak to a rep, or email us.