Massive vote for strike action in train prep ballot

Nine to one vote for strike action by over a thousand key London Underground staff

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that over a thousand key London Underground maintenance and engineering staff have voted by around nine to one for both strike action and action short of a strike in a dispute over the hacking back of train preparation and inspection schedules which the union warns would have a devastating impact on both service reliability and public safety.

The staff work at tube fleet maintenance depots right across Greater London.

The result will now be considered by the unions executive who will decide the next steps in the dispute.

Earlier this year RMT advised London Underground that a dispute situation exists over its intentions to extend the fleet train preparation schedules. Despite that, LU has continued to fail to engage in any meaningful consultation or negotiation with RMT or provide the union with full information on all safety aspects.

The LU proposals will decimate inspection frequencies beyond all recognition. Not only will it lead to major fleet issues, it will inevitably lead to more train failures in service putting unacceptable pressure on members and leaving the whole of LUL and the travelling public at significant increased risk. RMT has demanded that no changes to fleet preparation schedules take effect without agreement between LUL and RMT and that all current activity in relation to the matter is halted until full consultation and negotiation has taken place, including full examination of all safety aspects in relation to this matter.

RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:
“The result of this ballot shows just how angry tube staff are at proposals London Underground are attempting to bulldoze through that would decimate the inspection and safety culture on the fleet. They should pull back immediately rather than crash on regardless of the consequences of their actions.

“The overwhelming ballot result will now be considered by the union’s executive. We remain available for genuine and serious talks.”

> RMT National News

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