Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

Pinched and scrubbed

LUL recently presented your Trains, Health and Safety Council reps with a Change Assurance Plan,  which outlined proposals to progressively remove Tunnel Telephone wires from April 2017. The removal process would last 2 years with priority given to areas prone to breakages.

Night Tube News November 2016

Dear fellow Night Tube staff

From next Wednesday, RMT stations and revenue staff will be refusing to work overtime, as part of our campaign to restore cut jobs and improve working conditions for all station staff. That includes us. I am writing to urge you to take part in this action - in order words, NOT to work overtime.

Safe working for Night Tube Train Operators

As you all know Night Tube has been with us since mid August and will be across five lines by mid December.

Following the decision to employ NT Train Operators, the RMT made clear to LUL that we expected the same safety arrangements to be in place during night work as exists during the rest of the working day and that NT Train Operators,whilst working specific shifts, should feel as safe as their full time colleagues.

Say no to overtime - support the overtime ban - 0001hrs 23November 2016


This matter has been considered by the National Executive Committee, which has taken the decision to call action and instruct ALL LUL STATION & REVENUE members NOT TO WORK ANY OVERTIME OR REST DAYS from 00:01 hours on Wednesday 23rd November 2016 until further notice.


Piccadilly Line drivers ballot prepared

A ballot for strike action of drivers on the Piccadilly Line is being prepared. The dispute involves issues over breach of procedure, mistreatment of a line representatives, unfair disciplinary action and issues surrounding safety and training.

Read the latest Piccadilly Line newsletter for all the latest news for drivers on the line.


London Underground bosses confirm driverless train testing has taken place

Following a number of reports of London Underground carrying out trials of ‘driverless’ trains into and out of Willesden Green sidings on the Jubilee line, the Trains Health & Safety Council formally asked LUL at director level if the reports were correct. LUL confirmed that they have been testing technology that would allow trains to move in and out of sidings without a Train Operator on the train.

RMT calls for reversal of all tube cuts following North Greenwich security incident

Today (Thursdsy, 27th October) senior RMT Health and safety reps from both LUL and Tubelines and myself attended a special Health and safety forum (summit) called after last week's security incident at North Greenwich.

Directors of LUL and senior management as well as the chief Inspector of B.T.Police were in attendance. We were updated on the incident and other security matters. It was stated to us that the level of threat remains Severe, unchanged since August 2014.

Driverless train testing on Jubilee Line


The following resolution was recently received from the London Transport Regional Council:-

“Jubilee South Branch has been made aware that testing has taken place on the Jubilee Line whereby trains were moved without the need of the operator to ‘activate’ the cab before using ATO buttons.