Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

RMT Upfront late December 2017

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground drivers, from the RMT.  In this edition, which focuses on health and safety issues:

  • Improvements must be made to driver safety
  • Detrainment staff 
  • Formal investigation into Parson’s Green bomb begins
  • Changes to CDP
  • Train Prep changes

Please distriubute the newsletter in your depot, or share it online with your colleagues.

Changes to CDP

Your Health & Safety commitee reps have recently attended a meeting with Learning and development with regard to changes to the Continuous Development Program. We were initially concerned that management were going to try to cut / water it down. This appears not to be on the cards at the moment. Although we still have issues with a number of lines only getting the 4 day rather than the 5 day to complete this vital refresher training.

ISS KAD DLR strike ballot called after company disregards union's serious concerns

We note the report from the Lead Officer and correspondence from our Docklands Light Railway Branch; and that despite the union declaring a dispute back on the 4th October 2017, undertakings and promises made in talks by the company and prompts from our DLR Branch; that the company is disregarding our serious concerns and security issues.

This breakdown in industrial relations recklessly embarked on by the company is matched and exceeded by our members resolve to have their concerns addressed to their complete satisfaction.

Kings Cross fire 30th anniversary

RMT's Mick Cash on eve of Thirtieth anniversary of Kings Cross fire.


RMT General Secretary Mick Cash said:
“RMT will be attending the joint commemoration event on Saturday and our thoughts will be with all of those who lost their lives or were injured in this tragic event which still resonates throughout the transport injury thirty years on.

Improving RMT policy on mental health

Dear Colleague


AGM Item 11 called on the union to establish a campaign to deal with increasing mental health difficulties and pressures that workplaces put on our members through continuation of our mental health awareness training, by drawing up model mental health at work policies, and by providing support for workers who experience assault or trauma at work.

Night Tube driver assaulted by group of men in supposedly secure depot

A Night Tube Driver was seriously assaulted at Stanmore at 04.30 on Sunday morning (5th November). The driver was changing ends to move the train from reception road 33 to sidings road 27. Whilst changing ends the driver was assaulted by five or six youths and had spray paint sprayed on his face.

The youths also took the drivers radio.

RMT meets with mayor, BTP chief, senior tube managers and sister unions to highlight security fears

Dear RMT members

Yesterday the General Secretary and myself attended a Security / Terrorism meeting (summit) with the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of London.

All the trade unions in Tfl were there. The meeting covered all features of TfL operation including tube, buses, ferries, DLR, London Overground, cable car, all contractors and directly employed engineering and maintenance staff, cleaners ... everyone in fact.

The Chief Constable of the BTP and other security officials as well as senior LUL and Tfl Directors also attended.

Life risking incident on unstaffed tube station could have been averted

TUBE UNION RMT today demanded the immediate staffing  of ALL London Underground stations – or the closure of stations when they are unstaffed – after  another dangerous incident at an unstaffed station. 

At Ruislip station last Friday (20 Oct) as a train was pulling into the platform, a young person jumped from the platform onto the tracks. Due to the driver’s quick reactions he was able to bring his train to an emergency stop which prevented the youth being hit. 

RMT Health & Safety Council on the 'red tabard trial'

As you may or may not be aware, your station has been picked to take part in a trial which LU hopes will involve staff voluntarily wearing a red “tabard” with “Here To Help” written on the back. This trial was born out of a London Travel Watch survey which states the following. Throughout our research, it has become clear that most passengers feel that the most critical part of their journey experience relating to staff is their visibility and availability, as opposed to their location.