Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

W&C drivers vote 100% YES for industrial action, smashing Tory anti-union laws

We congratulate our members on the convincing balloting turnout and magnificent yes vote which clearly demonstrates their deep concerns over the imposition of this unsafe practice.

We note that the ballot results are as follows:

The result for action short of strike is as follows:-

Number of members balloted: 67

Total votes cast                  53 (79.1%)

Number voting “Yes”            53 (100%)

Number voting “No”              0

Spoilt Papers                        0

The 40% and 50% thresholds were both met.

Ballot arranged over plans to cut detrainment staff


We note the resolution from our Central Line East Branch; and that this cost cutting exercise by the company is putting passengers lives at risk and our members safety at risk.

We instruct the General Secretary to advise the company a dispute now exists between our respective organisations and to arrange a ballot for action short of a strike for all Leytonstone Depot Train Operators and Operator Instructors but excluding Night Tube Drivers.

Massive rise in unstaffed tube stations

RMT demands urgent recruitment drive as internal London Underground document shows massive rise in unstaffed stations

TUBE UNION RMT this morning revealed shock new figures from an internal LUL document that expose a crisis in staffing and safety on the tube with dozens of stations now left unstaffed on a weekly basis.

The figures give more proof RMT's case that tube bosses are attempting to run the Underground on the cheap in unsafe conditions .

Edgware Road Safety News

Edgware Road Safety News has the latest important issues from your RMT H&S rep.

In this edition:

  • We Still Don’t Know If This System Is Safe 
  • HMS Familiarisation: Nothing Agreed Yet
  • 50mph Target Speed Into HMS Dt! 
  • Platform Strike 
  • Beeping Noise 
  • Issues From 30 May Meeting With Management
  • Latimer Road Facilities/timings 
  • 'Amnesty': It’s Ok To Make Mistakes

The newsletter is attached for you to download.

Upgrades News June 2018

Upgrades News is for drivers on the sub-surface railway. It has all the latest information abouit signalling upgrades on the Metropolitan, Hammersmith & City, Circle and District Lines.  In this edition:

  • Hammersmith ‘sidings’ concerns raised
  • Target Speed Error 
  • ATO train strikes platform
  • ‘Myth busting’ meeting report 
  • Signal abnormality discovered 

Please download and distribute in your workplace, or share online.

Minimum Night Tube staffing levels


We note the resolution from the London Transport Regional Council and endorse their policy that there should be a minimum of 2 members of staff on every surface station during the night tube running time.

Members to be advised by email and text.

Relevant Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.



We note the resolution from our London Transport Regional Council and the frustration expressed.

RMT Upfront May 2018

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground train drivers from RMT activists.

In the May 2018 edition:

  • RMT push bosses to fix track noise issues

  • HOT process proposed changes are unsafe

  • Tap water not acceptable

  • Health and Wellbeing

Please download the attached newsletter and display it in your depot, and share this article on line.