Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

RMT in dispute with LU over uncovered duties

That we note the report from the Lead Officer regarding talks with the company; and that we have had no satisfactory undertaking that duties will be sufficiently covered. It actually appears to be the case that if they could get away with skeleton staffing all stations they would!

This breaching of their own policy and procedure creates undue stress on our members and puts them and the travelling public at risk’ representing a breakdown in trust between the company, their staff and this union.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

RMT in dispute with LU over uncovered duties

That we note the report from the Lead Officer regarding talks with the company; and that we have had no satisfactory undertaking that duties will be sufficiently covered. It actually appears to be the case that if they could get away with skeleton staffing all stations they would!

This breaching of their own policy and procedure creates undue stress on our members and puts them and the travelling public at risk’ representing a breakdown in trust between the company, their staff and this union.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

Body cameras

That we note the concerns of our Piccadilly & District West Branch and the London Transport Regional Council regarding the body cam trial due to take place at Earl’s
Court; and instruct the General Secretary to place a report from the Lead Officer in front of this NEC without delay.

Further; we instruct the General Secretary to circulate our recently drawn up RMT Body Cam Policy to the Stations Safety & Functional Council reps and all LT Region branches.

All London Transport Region branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Tube bosses secret W&C dispute attack plan exposed

That we note the report from our Lead Officer that the company’s secret planned backlash against our members has been exposed.

Upon booking on, the company are planning to doorstep our driver members taking industrial action short of a strike, instructing them to confirm they will carry out the new imposed unsafe detraining process; sending them home without pay if they say they are abiding by their unions instruction to work safely.

This union will NOT tolerate our driver members being intimidated or victimised for taking lawful industrial action.

Station staff to be balloted in detainment dispute

That we note the resolution from our Jubilee South Branch and applaud their concern over this unsafe practice which is detrimental to our members and the travelling public.

Therefore, we instruct the General Secretary to ballot all CSA1 staff members at Waterloo for action short of strike that:

They will not give the right to, indicate to or in any other way give assistance to any Waterloo & City Line Train Operators to proceed into the depot or siding, that has not first been physically detrained.

Members to be advised by email and text.

RMT Upfront September 2018

RMT Upfront is the newsletter for London Underground drivers, produced by RMT activists.

Here's a taster of what is in this edition.  Download the newsletter to read the full articles, share it online ands distribute it in your depot.

Occupational ill health 
In the latest round of Fit for Nothing or Transformation as LU prefer to call it Occupational Health have become another victim of the abacus and axe.

Cab security: tube bosses proposal not acceptable

The issue of ‘cab security’ has been discussed at the highest levels with London Underground since the spate of terrorist attacks in London and Manchester last year. The RMT even raised this issue with London Mayor Sadiq Khan. At those discussions, Mark Wild, the LU Managing Director gave commitments that this issue would be resolved and that resources would be made available. 

Blog: overtime scandals, & minimum vs recommended numbers

The past few months have been tough for all staff.
Overtime shifts have not been paid out, which has led to not just frustration, but also financial hardships for a lot of us.

Management has tried to blame this on variation sheets not been filled out correctly. But when the sheets have been checked, they were in the vast majority, correct.

I emailed all staff with the process of how to claim their money owed, but this isn't good enough.