Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

All fleet maintenance to be balloted over proposed safety cuts


That we note that the company are intent on a wholesale watering down of train inspection frequencies beyond all recognition across the LUL network; thereby introducing significant risks to the travelling public and our members of various grades.

Jubilee South News, February 2019

Jubilee South News is the newsletter for tube workers, from activists in the Jubilee South branch.

In this edition:

  • Dust up on the Jubilee Line
  • If Red Tabards are the answer whatever was the question?
  • Assaulted at work and charged by the BTP, defended by the RMT 
  • Say hello wave goodbye

Please download and distribute this newsletter in your Jubilee South branch workplace, and also share it online with colleagues and comrades.

Understaffing of stations is a welfare, employment and safety matter affecting public and members


That we note the report from the Lead Officer regarding the outcome of the reps meeting this week; and agree that the company’s understaffing of stations is a
welfare, employment and safety matter across the tube combine affecting the travelling public and our members alike; and as such needs to be dealt with across
the combine.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to prepare a ballot matrix of our entire stations’ membership for industrial action.

Tube Dust: Jubilee South branch motion calls for action and highlights members concerns

The following motion, raising members' concerns about potentially harmful tunnel dust on London Underground has been unanimously passed by the London Transport Regional Council.


Jubilee South Branch is incredibly concerned about the potential health risks to members from the very high dust levels on London Underground.

At a recent branch meeting we heard reports from both stations and train members about the issues they have faced and health concerns they have:

Solid YES vote for continued Waterloo & City Line industrial action


We congratulate our members on the increased re-ballot turnout and magnificent yes vote which clearly demonstrates once again their deep concerns over the imposition of this unsafe practice.

We note that the ballot result for action short of strike is as follows:-

Number of members balloted: 68

Total votes cast 57 (83.8%)

Number voting “Yes” 57 (100%)

Number voting “No” 0

Waterloo & City detainment dispute ballot results

Dear Colleague,

Removal of Detrainment Staff, Waterloo, Waterloo & City Line
London Underground

I write to advise you that the ballot has now closed and the result is as follows: -

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot: 68
Number of votes cast in the ballot: 57
Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question: 57
Number of individuals answering “No” to the question: 0
Number of spoiled or otherwise invalid voting papers returned: 0