Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

Tube union campaigns for dramatic improvement to Tube air quality

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that it will be stepping up the campaign for dramatic improvements in air quality on London Underground amid fears that the situation continues to deteriorate with serious consequences for both staff and passengers alike.

A dossier of issues raised by tube staff includes:

- A number of members suffering with respiratory problems.

- Station staff and drivers having high incidents of chest colds.

- Notable levels of dirt when washing hands and face during or after a shift.

Stratford Depot News March 2019

Stratford Depot News is the newsletter for train operators at Stratford depot, produced by RMT actrivists.

In this edition:

  • There’s nothing to see here, so carry on driver! TOD rule changes unacceptable

  • Disciplined for an accident on duty

  • Pay update

  • HOT Process Issues

  • Staff assaults rise

  • Warnings thrown out

  • Jubilee South branch meeting​ 10th of April at 4pm


RMT tells LU: do not discipline Sister Kyei-Donokoh or we will be in dispute

"if any disciplinary sanction whatsoever is given to sister Kyei-Donokoh at her CDI outcome tomorrow a dispute will exist"


That we note the decision of Yesterday’s reps meeting regarding the appalling treatment by the company of sister Sophie Kyei-Donokoh, who after being abused by
a repeat offending member of the public, has been put through a sham of the disciplinary procedure on a Gross Misconduct charge by the company.

Train prep schedule ballot papers have been sent out

Dear Colleagues,

EXTENDED TRAIN PREPARATION SCHEDULE - LONDON UNDERGROUND (formerly Train Preparation Schedule - London Underground) (LUL/14/10)

Further to my previous Circular (IR/97/19, 6th March 2019), the decision was taken to re-commence this ballot and I issued fresh correspondence to advise the Company that a dispute situation exists over its intentions to extend the Fleet train preparation schedules. The Company has failed to engage in any meaningful consultation or negotiation with RMT or provide us with full information on all safety aspects.

RMT Upfront - HOT procedure special

Upfront is the newsletter for train drivers on the tube from RMT activists.  This is a special edition about the HOT process and the RMT's ongoing battle with management to make it safe and fit for purpose.

Please share this newsletter online and print it out for distribution in your depot.


RMT tells LU: do not discipline Sister Kyei-Donokoh or we will be in dispute

21st of March 2019

"if any disciplinary sanction whatsoever is given to sister Kyei-Donokoh at her CDI outcome tomorrow a dispute will exist"


That we note the decision of Yesterday’s reps meeting regarding the appalling treatment by the company of sister Sophie Kyei-Donokoh, who after being abused by
a repeat offending member of the public, has been put through a sham of the disciplinary procedure on a Gross Misconduct charge by the company.

All fleet maintenance to be balloted over proposed safety cuts


That we note that the company are intent on a wholesale watering down of train inspection frequencies beyond all recognition across the LUL network; thereby introducing significant risks to the travelling public and our members of various grades.