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Track noise dispute industrial action announced

Danger noise hazard sign

TUBE UNION RMT today confirmed a programme of industrial action to back up a demand for urgent progress over tube track noise after drivers voted by more than 95% in favour of industrial action in a ballot covering the Jubilee, Central, Northern and Victoria Lines.

As a consequence of the failure of the company to act decisively members on the Jubilee, Central, Victoria and Northern Lines will be instructed to take continuous industrial action short of a strike with effect from 00.01 hours Thursday 10th October 2019 (until further notice): -

RMT raises serious safety concerns following despicable West Ham staff assaults

Joint statement from Tier 2 and SFC following our meeting with management today:

Tier 2 and S.F.C reps met today with Brian Woodhead and Senior BTP Officers. We put your concerns to them in no uncertain terms, including but not limited to:

- Access to trauma support
- The duty of care process
- Reliability of magnetic doors
- Ongoing issues raised in the
District East staffing dispute
- Lone working more generally

We told them you don’t feel safe, and we told them you don’t feel supported.

Urgent meeting called over 'unacceptable' track conditions

That we note the resolution from our Central Line West Branch regarding the unacceptable track conditions and the failure of management to address these reported unsafe matters.

We instruct the General Secretary to arrange an urgent meeting of all our Central Line Driver H&S Representatives from both branches, Trains Safety Council, the Lead Officer, Senior Assistant General Secretary and members of the NEC.

Members to be advised by email & text.

Central Line East & West Branches and the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

Members vote for industrial action over workplace violence concerns

A station worker assists a passenger


We congratulate our workplace representatives and East Ham Branch for campaigning and organising this ballot when the company had just abandoned our members to their fate; and our members for resolving to protect themselves and each other through their unions lawful democratic processes.

We note that the ballot result for action short of strike is as follows:-
Total votes cast 52 ( 68%)
Number voting “Yes” 49 ( 94.2%)
Number voting “No” 3
Spoilt Papers 0

96.4% ‘yes’ ballot result in excessive track noise dispute

That we note the strong 96.4% ‘yes’ ballot result for Action Short of a Strike our members have returned in this dispute, and congratulate our members, branches, reps and Lead Officer.
We also note a meeting with the company took place last week which went well; and that we are waiting for a letter from London Underground setting out resolutions to the matter of excessive rail noise following that meeting.

'Excessive Track Noise' dispute returns a big yes vote

10th September 2019
Dear Colleague,


I write to advise you that the ballot has now closed and the result is as follows: -

Are you prepared to take industrial action short of a strike?

Number of individuals who were entitled to vote in the ballot: 748

Number of votes cast in the ballot: 385

Number of individuals answering “Yes” to the question: 371

Excessive track noise ballot: time is running out to vote YES

Danger noise hazard sign
  • Please download the attached poster and display it in your depot on the Jubilee, Central, Northern and Victoria Lines.

Ballot papers have arrived. All members should vote YES for action short of strike, now. Time is running out; the ballot closes on September 10th so if you haven’t already posted your ballot paper please do it today.

The RMT have been forced to escalate this action due to LU offering insufficient mitigation to the problem.

RMT Upfront: Track noise ballot poster

track noise ballot poster
  • Please display this poster in depots on the  Jubilee, Central, Northern and Victoria Lines.

The RMT union has now begun balloting all Train Operators, Night Tube Train Operators and Instruct Operators on the Jubilee, Central, Northern and Victoria Lines. We are balloting for action short of a strike to drive in manual mode at an appropriate reduced speed to mitigate the creation of excessive noise and to alleviate the distraction, discomfort and anxiety caused in the affected areas.