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Jubilee South News October 2019

Jubilee South News is produced by branch activists and has all the latest news for branch members and workers across the tube.

In this edition:

  • Pay Claim Update, 6 days extra holiday, but pay rise offer could be below inflation

  • RMT Action sees track noise cut over night!

  • Workplace violence


Please download the attached document to read the newsletter and share it online with your comrades, colleagues and friends!

RMT noise dispute outcome 'a massive victory for the union'

RMT suspends Tube industrial action due to start at midnight as union secures major victory over track noise

Tube union RMT has suspended indefinite industrial action due to start at one minute after midnight tonight by drivers on four key underground lines after securing a massive victory over the issue of excessive track noise.

Track noise dispute action suspended as RMT wins significant concessions

Danger noise hazard sign

That we note the report from the Lead Officer that talks yesterday and today have produced a potential resolution to the excessive track noise, with short–mid and long term fixes that will ease, minimise and then remove this unacceptable situation put upon our members and travelling public.

Finsbury Park branch Night Tube lone working dispute update

strike flag


That we note the report from the Lead Officer that the company have conceded all our issues of dispute.

We instruct the General Secretary to close the file and advise the company we are no longer in dispute.

Congratulations to our members, representatives, branches and the Lead Officer; and all are urged to remain vigilant.

Members to be advised by email & text.

Piccadilly Line West, Finsbury Park Branches & the London Transport Regional Council to be advised.

District line workplace violence dispute update

Update following our directors meeting regarding the District Line dispute:

We are deeply concerned and disappointed by what the company have offered us in response to the shocking rise in workplace violence which has forced us to take industrial action.

What they have offered us is a strategic and tactical mistake, which won’t solve the problem - in fact it will make it worse.

LU’s response in brief:

They will continue working with their crime reduction team to tackle the worst affected areas (they should be doing this already)