Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

Join The Rally - No Cuts On The Tube

A members' rally is being held on the 26th of November at Friends House 173 Euston Road 2BJ at 1830 for RMT members on the tube to discuss and contribute to the discussion on how to tackle expected cuts across London Underground.

We are expecting an announcement of cuts on the 21st; so this rally will be an ideal opportunity to find out what is going on and how as a union we can respond.

All members are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Lethal programme of Tube cuts to be announced tomorrow

TUBE UNION RMT warned today that they have been notified by London Underground that a major announcement on jobs, services and safety cuts is due to made to senior union representatives at 9am tomorrow – Thursday 21st November.

The announcement was trailed by tube boss Mike Brown at a recent meeting of the London Assembly where he confirmed that ticket offices, station and platform staffing and other safety critical posts would be threatened in response to £225 million annual cuts imposed on TFL in the Government Spending Review.

Executive Welcomes & Supports Jubilee South Branch Call For Strike Ballot On Job Cuts Threat

We note and adopt the report of our Southern Sub-committee.

We welcome the resolution from our Jubilee South branch, and support its proposals. We therefore instruct the General secretary to:

  1. Organise a public meeting in defence of London Underground jobs, preferably in conjunction with Action for Rail, and involving disability access to transport pressure groups such as Transport for All, and supportive MPs and GLA members.

Transport For All Describes Tube Plan To Replace People With Machines As Living In La-la-land

Transport For All; the charity campaigning for a fully accessible, reliable and affordable transport network for disabled and older Londoners has written to the Evening Standard describing the horror that disabled and older passengers will feel over tube bosses plans to cut staff.

Transport For All describe it as living in la-la-land to think cctv and ticket machines is a suitable alternative to station staff for the 43% of wheelchair users who have suffered hate crime on the tube, or the 29% of disabled people who feel unsafe using the underground.

The Letter

LUL "Seeking A Pretext For Cutting Staff, Regardless Of...Safety" On Jubilee RMT Believe

We note the resolution from our Jubilee South branch. We share its concern at London Underground management’s attempts to impose a less safe procedure for dealing with defective Platform Edge Doors. Once again, the company appears to be seeking a pretext for cutting staff, regardless of the consequences for passenger safety.

RMT Calls For Release For Reps To Scrutinise S Stock Upgrade

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd and the report from our Regional Organiser advising his response. We endorse his call for adequate release to be granted to our representatives to enable us to proceed promptly with the important work of scrutinising the implementation of the S stock upgrade.

Reports and developments are to be placed in front of us.

RMT Reiterates Tube Industrial Action Over OEP

We note the report from our Regional Organiser.

We therefore reaffirm our industrial action, and instruct the General Secretary to:

  • Write to all LUL driver members by post reminding them of this industrial action, why it is in place and what they should do.
  • Send an rmt mail to all LUL Station Supervisor members, explaining the action that drivers are taking.
  • Place reports and developments in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and representatives to be advised.

RMT Ready To Take Industrial Action Over Flash & Dash

We note the legal advice on file. We therefore intend to reinstate our suspended industrial action should London Underground Ltd attempt to again impose a detrainment procedure that does not involve physical checking that trains are empty by staff on the platform.

We instruct the General Secretary to obtain an update on this issue, including the likely timescales involved, and to seek co-ordination with ASLEF.

Reports and developments are to be placed in front of us. London Transport Regional Council and branches to be advised.