Health and safety

Campaigning for higher health and safety standards at work, and opposing the employers' shortcuts

Power Control Strike - Safety Information

  • LUL document reveals power control strike could lead to line suspensions
  • Attached below is LUL 'change assurance plan' and information which can be displayed in depots and other relevant workplaces.

As you may be aware our power control room members are currently taking industrial action. This action started at 20.00hrs on July 1st and is scheduled to run until the 20.00hrs on July 15th.

The Train’s Safety Council met with management prior to earlier planned action by these workers to discuss how this would impact on the safety of drivers.

Advice For Drivers As ANP Is Removed

Despite agreements reached with London Underground and your union just over a year ago at Directors level regarding the implementation of Auto Not Permitted (ANP) while P-Way staff or trespassers were on the track, LU have decided to remove this facility without meaningful consultation with your union and without the participation of local safety representatives in the workplace risk assessments around this.

Workplace Violence Survey For London Underground Station Workers

An email has been sent out to via internal email to London Underground station staff regarding workplace violence and staff assaults.

We hope that the results of this survey may lead to creating a better environment for you to work in and helping to eradicate the risk of violence towards staff working on stations.

Please be as honest with your answers as possible. Although the survey asks for your grade it is completely anonymous and will not be used to identify staff in any way.

Fire Brigades Dispute

Further to my Circular NP/300/13 of 31st October 2013 the FBU have announced that a further dispute between them and the Fire Service Employers will take place on Friday 13th December 2013 between 18.00 and 22.00 and on Saturday 14th December 2013 between 18.00 and 22.00. This strike will cover the Greater London area.

Many of you will remain extremely concerned at the health and safety implications for your members, your colleagues and the travelling public should the Fire Brigades Union take strike action. RMT are fully supportive of the FBU stance in this dispute.

RMT Calls For "Constant Vigilance" On Safety 25 Years After Clapham Rail Disaster

Thursday 12 December 2013 will mark 25 years since the Clapham Junction Rail Crash that left 35 people dead and hundreds injured.
The accident happened when the crowded 06:14 train from Poole to London Waterloo crashed into the back of the stationary 07:18 Basingstoke service, which had stopped at a red signal. A third train, travelling empty in the opposite direction, hit the wreckage only minutes later.

London Underground Document Gives More Detail On Devastating Cuts Plan

The RMT have recieved a new document which reveals more details of London Undergrounds cuts plan. This newly released document, attached below, is a 'Change Assurance Plan' which gives some further insight into what these cuts, if successful, could mean in health & safety terms .

The document is very low on detail of how the proposed changes to station staffing structure will impact on the driver grade. However, section 2.7 claims that there are no changes proposed to train operations.

RMT Says We Can't Wait Until Driverless Trains Are Designed To Fight This Reckless Move

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd dated 29 October 2013.

We note that this letter does not give the assurance we requested that when LUL orders or commissions new train stock, these will include a driver’s cab, and instead states that the company ‘cannot rule anything in or out’.

We further note that the letter:

  • refers to ‘pressure to be more efficient’ and to ‘get the best value for money from everything we get’, indicating that LUL’s decisions on this matter will be driven by a desire to cut spending and save money;

Join The Rally - No Cuts On The Tube

A members' rally is being held on the 26th of November at Friends House 173 Euston Road 2BJ at 1830 for RMT members on the tube to discuss and contribute to the discussion on how to tackle expected cuts across London Underground.

We are expecting an announcement of cuts on the 21st; so this rally will be an ideal opportunity to find out what is going on and how as a union we can respond.

All members are welcome and encouraged to attend.