London Underground Ltd

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News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

RMT London Calling newsletter - Defend the London Bridge 3 special


Attached is the lastest RMT London Calling newsletter.

Focusing on our 3 members at London Bridge who have been disciplined for rushing to assist a co- worker who was being assaulted. That co-worker was pregnant.

Please download, print display and distribute across your workplace.

The ballot on London Bridge and Waterloo will begin on March 30 and ballot papers must be returned by April 18.

London Underground managers have been quoted on social media and in the press as saying "Kirsty Watts was never assaulted " 

Picc & Dic branch resolution on S04 grade signallers at Earl's Court


The following resolution was recently received from Piccadilly & District West Branch:-

“This Branch notes the recent consultation between the SO4 Grade Signallers and the Regional Organiser and the signal/control room Functional Council Rep. The Earl’s Court Service Operators do not feel satisfied that they are being treated fairly with regards to migration to the new Hammersmith Control Room for the following reasons:-

Picc & Dic branch call for action over defective brakes and subsequent unfair disciplianry actions


The following resolution was recently received from Piccadilly & District West Branch:-

“This Branch calls on the General Secretary to immediately instigate an investigation of all Train Operator SPAD’s (Signals Passed At Danger), overruns and all safety related items which may happen due to defective brakes.

Demo to defend the London Bridge 3 - April 3 0800 - 0930 London Bridge Station

Demo to support the London Bridge 3

London Bridge Station April 3 0800 - 0930

London Underground senior managers are seeking to lie and mislead the public over the events surrounding the punitive disciplinary sanctions handed down to the London Bridge 3.

Their colleague, who was pregnant, was assaulted by a fare eveader on November 16.

She requested assistance via connect radio and this has been confirmed by the CSS who took the radio call.

London Underground are lying when they say this CSA was not assaulted.

RMT to ballot tube workers in defence of worker sacked for rushing to asssit pregnant colleague who was being assaulted

The RMT are to ballot tube workers at London Bridge and Waterloo stations in the dispute that has led to Lee Cornell being sacked and 2 other workers being given punitive sanctions.

The ballot will demand the reinstatement of Lee and the withdrawal of the punitive sanctions handed down to the 2 other workers.

The balloting period will commence on March 30 with ballot papers having to be returned by April 18

All station staff at these 2 busy Central London stations are being asked to vote YES for strike and YES for action short of to defend the London Bridge 3,

Tube worker sacked for going to the aid of a pregnant colleague who was being assaulted

London Underground : are you listening? We are going to strike unless you reinstate Lee Cornell.

Lee Cornell is a CSA at London Bridge with over 10 years exemplary service.
He is a dedicated, honest and proactive member of staff.

His crime was to go to assist a pregnant member of staff who had been physically assaulted by a fare evader.
The person who abused and assaulted Kirsty Watts then punched Lee twice and stole his glasses.

RMT Night Tube drivers' strike dates


Further to my previous Circular (IR/88/17, 24th February 2017), the ballot concluded with members voting as follows:-


Are you prepared to take strike action?

Total Votes Cast                64

Number Voting ‘Yes’           62

Number Voting ‘No’            2

Spoilt Papers                     0