London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Regional recruitment day



EC member Janine Booth, RO Brian Whitehead & Dave Marshall from org unit are coming along to kick off the SS grade defence campaign.

Come along and support this important event. All grades welcome.



• Next meeting 29/11/ 2012 1430 at the Exmouth Arms, Starcross St, NW1, nearest stn Euston/Euston sq
• Come along and hear your level 2/Tier 2 reps report back.
SS grade defence campaign
• All Revenue & Station Staff Welcome

Executive Report To London Transport Regional Council October 2012

Each month our Executive Council Member Janine Booth reports to the Regional Council. This report as a synopsis and the full 'EC decisions' can be read here.

We've added some links to the report to explain some of the topics covered in more detail.

Remember branch meetings and the regional meeting are open to all members - this is where you can get involved and make a change in your union.

EC Report


Enormous RMT Success On Jubilee Line

Following the de-recognition of trains side rep Jason Moriarty the RMT has once again had fantastic success. Before the de recognition there was only one RMT train rep position for the east end of the Jubilee line, now there is TWO!

We now have

  • 1 Rep position at North Greenwich AND 1 Rep position at Stratford
  • 1 rep + 1 rep = 2 reps

There is an increase of RMT Train IR rep numbers from 33 to 34.

Trains Reps 'Derecognition' Update

At the London Transport Regional council on 25 Oct the following emergency resolution from Jubilee South branch was put before the Region:

Right to elect workplace representatives
This branch is disgusted with the attacks being made by management and the devious methods they are using to try not to recognize our rep for Stratford/North Greenwich depots.

Jason Moriarty, elected for this position by members of the branch, has refused to be recognized by LUL despite him previously being the rep and having full recognition.

Tube Lines Denies Plan To Test Driverless Trains On The Tube

“No plans in relation to preparing for the introduction of driverless train on London Underground” - Tube Lines

We note the correspondence from Tube Lines, stating that it has “no plans in relation to preparing for the introduction of driverless train on London Underground” and that “This is a matter for London Underground to determine”. We instruct the General Secretary to continue to press Tube Lines for information concerning its involvement in developing technology that may facilitate driverless trains or a reduction in the driver’s role.

RMT To Discuss Release Arrangements For 'Level 2' Reps In Various Grades

We note the report from our Regional Organiser, that in practice, our level 2 and tier 2 reps for stations and revenue control (10 reps) and trains (6 reps) have full-time release; we note that additionally, there is a full-time-release representative for Upgrades for trains and for service control. In all other functions – engineering, fleet, MATS, and service control – level 2 and tier 2 representatives are released on an “as and when basis” which can amount to nearly full-time release in practice in some, but not all, cases.

London Underground Bosses & RMT Reps To Meet To Discuss 'Driverless' Trains

We note the correspondence from London Underground Ltd, and instruct the General Secretary to arrange for the appropriate officer(s) and representative(s) to attend the meeting suggested by LUL.

We further instruct the General Secretary to draft a list of issues and demands that we will raise at this meeting, and to place these in front of the GGC in advance of the meeting.

Any developments to be placed in front of us.

London Transport Regional Council, branches and representatives to be advised.

RMT London Calling Newsletter November 2012

By John Reid, London transport Regional Council Secretary

Workers United Against Racism

The London Olympics was a resounding success thanks to the role of different sections of workers who delivered the Games.

London Underground staff worked around the clock to provide an excellent service for the million extra passengers a day. People from all over the world, able bodied and disabled, expressed their delight that stations were staffed by knowledgeable staff. Behind the scenes our engineers and service controllers kept the service running like clockwork while our drivers delivered passengers swiftly and safely to their destinations.