London Underground Ltd

London underground's logo - the roundel

News, reports and information for RMT members who work for London Underground Ltd

Transformation Ballot


The closing date for the Transformation Ballot is Tuesday 16th July. It is very important that everyone has a vote and uses it as there are legal thresholds to achieve.

Therefore please vote YES for strike action.

Early Day Motion: restore the operational subsidy for London Underground

Support the RMT campaign to restore the operational subsidy for London Underground

The London Underground is essential to our communities, economy and environment and all the staff who work on the Tube play a vital role in keeping the network running. Shockingly the Government has withdrawn operational subsidy for Transport for London meaning that London Underground is the only Metro of its kind in the world that does not receive such subsidy.

RMT will fight hard for improvements for ABM cleaners

Dear colleague


As you may know, RMT is currently in dispute with ABM in our campaign for “Justice for ABM Cleaners.”

Yesterday, 26th June 2019, your Regional Organiser John Leach along with RMT ABM representatives met the company's Contract Director and his HR team face to face to demand improvements on the key issues at stake in this dispute:

- Free Staff Travel
- Decent Company Sick Pay
- Access to a direct pension scheme, same as the TfL pension scheme

Strike ballot opens this week as RMT battles 'Transformation' cuts

Strike ballot opens this week in RMT fight over Tube cuts as union moves onto a war footing

TUBE UNION RMT confirmed today that an industrial action ballot will open this week in the fight against cuts plans being smuggled in across London Underground under the cloak of the “Transformation Programme”.

The ballot will kick off on Wednesday.  Nearly 2000 staff will be involved covering engineering, signals, electrical, track and control centre staff and will include the Emergency Response unit. The ballot will close on the 16th July.

Station and Revenue Grades meeting June 2019

A station worker assists a passenger


All stations and revenue members welcome
Meet 1400
Thursday 20th June
Bread and Roses at The Chapel 308-312 Grays Inn Road Kings Cross London WC1X 8DP
Meet reps across the network
Discuss issues from your workplace
Pay claim, Transformation, pom room sackings

Find out what's going on across the region
See overleaf for more details or text/Whatsapp Marie Harrington (Chair); details on the attached poster.