Union representatives

How representation is organised, and what the Regional Council is doing to support workplace reps, provide information and training, etc

RMT Pursues Fair Representation for Fleet Grades

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our LU Fleet branch. We also note that this issue was addressed on 30 January, under the heading REPRESENTATION OF FLEET GRADES (HSR/4/2), instructing the General Secretary to raise this item with London Underground Ltd in line with the resolution from LU Fleet branch.

We therefore instruct the General Secretary to:

  • obtain a report on the union’s progress in raising this issue with LUL, and place this report in front of us

Overwhelming Votes For Action On Heathrow Express Over Sacking Of Driver And Victimisation Of RMT Activist

RAIL UNION RMT have confirmed that ballots for strike action and action short of a strike on Heathrow Express over the unfair dismissal of a driver member and over a campaign of harassment and victimisation against an RMT representative have returned overwhelming votes for action.

RMT Demands Adequate Representation in APD Reorganisation Talks

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note that London Underground plans to reorganise the planning, analysis and reporting of asset information within its Asset Performance Directorate, which will lead to job cuts and possible relocation and displacements of members. The company has presented a large volume of material to us about these plans.

RMT Demands Proper Consultation on Service Control Move to Hammersmith

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the report from our Regional Organiser outlining our representatives’ concerns about lack on consultation about the planned transfer of SSR and Piccadilly Line service control to a new control centre at Hammersmith. We note that our Regional Organiser has called a meeting open to all service control members on 31 January.

We instruct the General Secretary to:

  • obtain a report of the Joint Working Party meeting due to take place on 19 January;

Reps to Assist with Membership Update

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the report from our Lead Officer and accordingly instruct the General Secretary to write to all local Reps, requesting they assist the Functional Council in updating their membership list as many are still outstanding.

Relevant Branches and London Regional Council to be informed.

New RMT Uniform Reps to Demand Return of Cleaning Vouchers

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we note the correspondence from London Underground, reneging on its previous agreement to restore uniform cleaning vouchers. We believe that the withdrawal of these vouchers is a cut in real wages to our members.

We do not accept the company’s position, and refute management’s arguments for it. We do not accept that all uniform items can be washed in a normal domestic washing machine, and believe that the tax benefit described by LUL is one which our members should be entitled to anyway.

Level/Tier 2 Competence Assessments - London Underground - update

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

We note the correspondence from London Underground. We instruct the General Secretary to forward this letter to all our level 2 and tier 2 reps on London Underground, reminding them to ensure that their training is scheduled to avoid clashing with scheduled meetings of their Council. We also expect that if and when ad hoc meetings of their Councils are called which clash with pre-arranged training, management will agree to any request to rearrange the training to facilitate attendance at the Council meeting.

Thales Reps' Elections

RMT General Grades Committee decision:

That we welcome the verbal report from our Branch Secretary that the elections to the vacant representatives’ positions have now taken place to the satisfaction of our branch. We note, however, that elections for health and safety representatives are outstanding, and instruct the General Secretary to pursue this with the employer.

RMT Defends LU Stations Reps Numbers

RMT General Grades Committee decision about London Underground Machinery of Negotiation and Consutlation:

“We note that following the job- cutting OSP, which reduced the number of Station groups from 42 to 37, London Underground management has unilaterally declared a reduction in the number of RMT representatives. Their action in doing so is completely outside the agreed processes.

The Machinery of Negotiation and Consultation states that: