RMT official circulars

Circulars from RMT head office about issues in our region

Tube Job Cut Plan Driven Purely By a Mindset of Saving Money

From RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Cash

I write to update you on the situation within LUL following our decision to suspend further industrial action last month.

We are now half way into the seven week period of extensive talks. In this time there was an initial meeting of the JWP to set out a programme for the seven weeks. Then, the week before last, there were two further meetings of the JWP. Last week we met as a main group once and this was followed by smaller working meetings. These are now pencilled in for up until the end of March together with weekly meetings of the main group.

Train System Tech Members To Be Balloted Over Unacceptable Pay Offer

From RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Cash

Further to my previous circular IR/729/13 dated 18th December 2013, branches will be aware that following the referendum, members overwhelmingly rejected the 2013 pay offer. Whilst your union welcomed the move from individual contracts to collective bargaining, your union remains of the view that this offer was unacceptable as, for some members; the offer represented a below-inflation pay rise.

RMT Condemns Charges Brought Against Brother Harding

From RMT Senior Assistant General Secretary Mick Cash

The following resolution has been received from London Transport Regional Council:

“This Regional Council condemns the arrest by BTP of Mark Harding, the RMT Branch Secretary of Hammersmith & City Branch. Mark was arrested despite only carrying out legitimate trade union activities whilst on the picket line outside his place of work.


From Bob Crow, General Secretary

Further to my last letter, it has been brought to my attention that ISS has displayed posters at some workplace locations, demonstrating how to use the new Biometric Fingerprinting Machines for booking on for duty. This situation is unacceptable to your union and I am writing to reassure members that you have our full support.

RMT Ballots Cleaner Members Over Fingerprinting

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

I wrote to you last week concerning our dispute with ISS over their planned introduction of Fingerprinting technology to book on for duty. We see this technology as an invasion of your civil liberties and a threat to your jobs. It now appears that management are planning to impose this new Biometric fingerprinting process from early March 2014 so your union’s executive has considered this matter further and decided to call a ballot of all members for strike action. Preparations are under way to hold this ballot in the near future.

TfL Members To Cease Training Of Agency Workers

Further to my previous correspondence, I would like to congratulate you for supporting your union and taking industrial action, in defence of your pension. This attack on your pension is clearly intolerable and represents the future strategy of TfL management and is a threat to all members in the pension fund regardless of company or grade.

In order to put pressure on the company your Executive committee after consulting with your representatives has decided to call the following industrial action:-

Tube Strike Ballot To Run Until January 2014

From RMT General Secretary Bob Crow

As every LUL member must now be aware London Underground has announced the closure of ALL ticket offices by as early as 2015 and the subsequent loss of 750 jobs. Despite this Government’s and the Mayor of London’s claim they wish more use of public transport they are cutting LU’s budget by £33m for 2013-14, and £45m for 2014-15. And this despite January’s 4.2% increase in fares across the tube, buses and trams.

RMT’s Charles Watkins’ Memorial Lecture 2014

RMT’s guest speaker to deliver this year’s Charles Watkins’ Memorial Lecture will be Labour historian Francis Devine who will be talking on the 1913 Dublin Lockout. For more background information click here.

This promises to provide an interesting lecture and discussion following on from a series of events that will have taken place commemorating the centenary of the lockout.

This free event will be held at Unity House and refreshments will also be provided.